Serpent Cult
by cameo-d 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Mistress of the Vatican:
The True Story of Olimpia Maidalchini--The Secret Female Pope
Genesis 3: 4
And the serpent said: "You will certainly not die!
And others have become the voice for the serpent throughout the ages since.
Here ye now!
"Millions now living will certainly not die!"
Word from The Watchtower:
"God may change the mouth structure of these creatures.... they may need the hingy to swallow"
"the snake may get a pretty little face again" {again?}
(Snakes) "they won't be as frightening"
Ciro's Snake Prophesy starts at 8:30--8:55
Knight of the Brazen Serpent Degree
by Albert Pike
This is the 25th degree.
Sons of the Serpent Tribe....Legacy of the Nephilim....
Dan will be a snake beside the road, a poisonous viper along the path that bites the horse's hooves so its rider is thrown off.
Genesis 49:17
The snake walked on two feet before it was cursed to crawl on it's belly .
How can we know the identity of the tribe of Dan?
However, the prince of the tribe of Dan replaced the serpent with an eagle.
"To Dan was given the symbol of Scorpio, which, in the ancient Egyptian zodiac was a snake. However, when the time came to hoist the symbol of the snake, Ahiezer refused and chose instead the symbol of an eagle. According to Unger's Bible Dictionary:
'Dan's position in the journey was on the north of the Tabernacle, with Asher and Naphtali. The standard of the tribe was of white and red, and the crest upon it, an eagle, the great foe to serpents, which had been chosen by the leader instead of a serpent, because Jacob had compared Dan to a serpent. Ahiezer substituted the eagle, the destroyer of serpents, as he shrank from carrying an adder upon his flag. It may prove worthwhile to consider the possible connection to the tribe of Dan whenever an eagle is used as the symbol of subsequent leaders or nations.' " (127:117)
O. M. G. That's the first time I heard that You Will Be With Me In Paradise talk by Ciro. How can anyone sit there and listen to that and not get up and walk out on the whole thing. That was insane. Cult through and through.