In the past 20 years, have you seen a balanced, educated adult not raised by JW parents get baptized as a JW?

by BonaFide 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    No. I'd have to reach back 25 years for that.

    On second thought. I studied with two guys. (of course I warned them to never let any organization tell them what to do, that the bottom line was the Bible and their conscience.)

  • reniaa

    besty don't you think this thread is inviting predjudice and looking down on others thinking ourselves superior?

    Do you know that womans story? or did you just look at her with her children and make a lot of assumptions?


  • purplesofa

    LOL@betsy, I did not see your post until after mine,

    or I probably would have not!!!!!!


    edited: All my kids are from the same dad, One marriage, one father. All born in wedlock!!!

  • besty

    no need to wonder what an average JW looks like - the good folks at Pew Research have done the legwork for us.

    Average JW = non-white, low education, low income, older, female

    Your mileage may vary.

  • besty

    @RNIA - I just looked at her and made a lot of assumptions.

    Many years later Pew Research confirmed I was right.

  • gubberningbody

    You're right on that besty. I had to "turn over" at least 7 cases to study with someone else after I got things going. (Of course then it slid and they left)

  • besty

    ((((((purps)))))) I'm sure your little angels are glad the day you got healthy :-)))


    Do you know that womans story? or did you just look at her with her children and make a lot of assumptions?


    Reniaa..A woman in a Kingdom Hall with a gaggle of children of various colours,pretty much tells the whole story..

    She`s looking for a husband.....And..The last 12 guys did`nt work out..


  • Kudra

    Mmmm, well I was about to say my mom... but she was alwasy a "searcher"... I think since her parents died. She came into the JWs straight from the 7th Day Adventists.

    LOL about the non-english speakerrs- so, what, they are studying just to learn English better? Ha ha.

    I ask because when my mom was first in "the truth" she tried to get my dad to study and he only would with the Spanish congregation- he was brushing up on his spanish at the time! LOL. My dad never wanted to be a JW. Oh yeah, he has an advanced degree, no trauma in his life, is happy and even-keeled. In other words, no need for the crazy JWs in his world.

  • Mary
    Reniaa said: define normal?

    Um....someone who's completely opposite of you? Still up eh? Geeze, it's going on nearly 2:00am in Great Britian Reniaa.....shouldn't you be in bed? I mean, come've got two kids to look after. SmileysSmileysSmileys

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