Jilted boyfriend shot dead Jehovah's Witness father who barred him from seeing his daughter

by What-A-Coincidence 26 Replies latest social current

  • beksbks

    ........................aaaaaaaaaaa........No Comment.

  • watson

    Outlaw!! LOL.

  • flipper

    This is just awful that this young psycho entered into this family tearing it apart . I must admit the names in this incident have me kind of freaked out. Cock and Hustler ? You can't make this stuff up. Still, an extremely tragic incident. I hope the young lady will not plague herself with guilt the rest of her life . I'm sure she feels just awful

  • Kudra

    yes- what an f-ing weirdo. And ...what is it with the British reporting-writing style?? I knew it was UK by like, the first two sentences. Even before I read anything about the location...

    In regards to the birthday thing- the Hustler family could have just told the reporter that the girl "turned 16" that day and he wrote it down as "having celebrated the 16th birthday" just as he could have written "she observed her birthday that day'

    Just a thought.

  • Scully

    That would have made some interesting society page reading: Cock Hustler wedding.....

    Seriously though, the guy looks like a creep.

  • JWdaughter

    You know, the parents were doing what reasonable parents would at least encourage-telling their daughter not to date the nutcase. I'm sad for that family. But why did the elders family in the UK get to celebrate birthdays? Do they have different JW rules there or what?

  • nelly136


    An RAF veteran shot dead his girlfriend's Jehovah's Witness father in revenge for ending the couple's ' forbidden' love affair.

    Jonathan Cock opened fire with a hunting rifle when Danielle Hustler, 20, refused to see him after they split up.

    The 24-year-old felt that even though he had become a Jehovah's Witness himself, he had never truly been accepted and blamed her devout parents for the break-up.

    A month after they split, Cock killed Miss Hustler's father, Adam, 41, and injured his 40-year-old wife, Amanda, at their £500,000 home in Cornwall. He then attempted to take his own life.

    Before the murder, he told Miss Hustler, who was also at the house at the time: 'Your parents made this choice for you: that's what I think. You've made the biggest mistake.'

    Yesterday a court heard the harrowing recording of her cries as she pleaded with a 999 operator as shots rang out in the background.

    One of these was the sound of her ex-boyfriend failing to commit suicide by shooting himself in the mouth.

    Mr Hustler died after being shot in the chest and neck while his wife survived after being shot twice in the back.

    Minutes before the killing, Cock sent a text message to Miss Hustler demanding to see her. He wrote: 'Tesco Car Park - 15 minutes, or I come to yours. Option A is the easy option, don't make me choose the hard one.'

    Yesterday, she was in court to watch him being jailed for the murder.

    Accompanied by her mother and younger sister, whose 16th birthday was on the day her father was gunned down, Miss Hustler said she felt 'massive guilt' for what happened.

    The court heard that she and Cock began a relationship in 2007 while they were working for her father's drain clearing company. Miss Hustler was 'torn between her boyfriend, and her family and her faith'.

    Prosecutor Sarah Munro told the court: 'Since at that stage the defendant was not a Jehovah's Witness, any relationship was forbidden. Danielle tried to keep the relationship secret but [her family] inevitably found out about it.'

    Throughout the 18-month relationship, Cock would often criticise his girlfriend's parents, referring to her father as 'that manipulative little man'.

    The couple split in August last year. The next month, after she refused to meet up with him, Cock removed a hunting rifle from his father's cupboard and drove to the Hustlers' house in Porth Kea, near Truro, Cornwall.

    Miss Munro told Truro Crown Court: 'Mr Hustler calmly told the defendant he should accept her decision to end the relationship, but he insisted he wanted to talk to Danielle.'

    When his former lover appeared in the corridor, Cock said: 'I'm getting a bit annoyed because this little man is here. I want to talk to you.'

    He then removed the rifle and pointed it at Mr Hustler, who tried, with his wife, to wrestle it from Cock's grip.

    The family managed to get him away from the door, but as they fled back into the house Cock shot Mrs Hustler twice in the back. She lay 'bleeding and bruised over the threshold' as Cock reloaded. He then shot Mr Hustler in the chest and neck.

    The court heard that the killer was familiar with the weapon after being trained with rifles during his four-andahalf-year stint in the RAF.

    Cock then fired more bullets into the house, hitting his girlfriend's arm as she crouched in the study calling for help.

    The court heard the recording of the 999 call in which she told the operator: 'Please hurry and get an ambulance - my ex-boyfriend - he doesn't like my family - he wanted to talk to me - we had to push him out of the door.

    'I've been hit with pellets and I think my dad has too - he doesn't like my dad, he thinks my dad is the reason we broke up.'

    As he walked away from the house, Cock shot himself in the mouth. But he survived, driving back to his home near Penzance. He was arrested the next day.

    Cock has claimed to have no memory of the incident after he gave himself a 'partial lobotomy' by shooting himself.

    In his Audi A8, police found a suicide note in which Cock told his ex-girlfriend: 'I hope you have a nice life'.

    There were also two cards, one marked 'good' and the other 'bad', to give her depending on whether she would take him back.

    Jailing him for a minimum of 25 years, Justice Royce told the defendant: 'The carnage that you caused that night was chilling, terrible and tragic.'

    He conceded that Cock had given himself a 'partial lobotomy,' but agreed with experts who said that only made him even more dangerous.

    'There are thousands and thousands of young men across the country, every day, who are romantically thwarted and feel depressed and angry about it,' the judge said. 'But your reaction to your predicament was extreme and selfish.'

    Mrs Hustler had an emergency operation after the shooting on September 20 last year. She survived despite refusing a blood transfusion because of her religious views.

    In a statement read out in court she said: 'I have lost my friend, my mentor, my clown, my lover and my companion of 24 years.'

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