Nasty gross habit. I only did it when I was young, so I could take more breaks at work. The smokers got preferential treatment.
by elder-schmelder 36 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe,
I've been here long enough to appreciate that you're a keen young man, a hard worker with solid goals in life.
But you're not half as clever as you think yourself. So, I urge you:
You and the @#$%^ horse you rode in on — get off this topic!
Lacking even a shade of a clue, you embarrass yourself and make enemies.
"Put that in your pipe and smoke it."
~Sue -
John Doe
But you're not half as clever as you think yourself. So, I urge you:
I invite you to correct me where you think I am wrong.
I am sick of people not taking responsibility for their decisions, and I have little sympathy for that course of action.
The Almighty Homer
Smoking destroys and kills people
Stop the Skank
I believe that, if we were to reach perfection, these unnatural addictions would disappear. Things like the enjoyment of holidays, sex, chocolate and sweets, exercise, and other natural desires would be still there (and very pleasurable, when fulfilled without some Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger adding instructions). However, in a perfect state, we would not have unnatural desires like smoking.
Not that we are going to get there with Jehovah's "help". The only "help(??)" He ever gives anyone with things like this is death or hell threats, and then you are left to quit without any further help. Nor does that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag want a real paradise--that would cut off His scam of sacrificing the here and now for an illusion. Thus, I am not counting on the New Dark Ages (as Jehovah's Witlesses promise) to get here (the New Dark Ages, as I see it, means having the witlesses seize control of the world like the early Catholic church did in the 380s AD.
A few possible things to assist in quitting smoking include taking magnesium and the B vitamins, along with a full-body cleanse. Quitting smoking disturbs your nerves, and you are going to seek a way to relax (a cigarette is your usual means of relaxing). Instead of a cigarette, taking magnesium and the B vitamins will do the job (magnesium in 250 mg increments is very safe). You also need to make extra work for yourself to smoke, since cutting off the craving is not going to do any good if you frequently find yourself with a cancer stick in your hands and wonder how it got there. By no means does this make it easy or certain--however, magnesium does help one relax, and that alone might make the difference between finally quitting and another failed attempt. The cleanse will get rid of the poisons that the smoke contains, helping you to get back to normal risks faster--while making the addiction that much quicker to break.
Allen Carr's 'Easy Way To Stop Smoking' definitely helped me to quit. The book attacks the myths of smoking that it relaxes you, that it's a 'sinful pleasure' etc.. would highly recommend it.
JD, Where you are wrong: You make claims that show a due lack of understanding regarding the facts about nicotine addiction.
For one thing, it's not a responsibility issue so much as it's physical addiction issue.
Your "little sympathy" follows by natural course: Your opinion as a non-addict and you're entitled to it.
However, even giving wiggle-room to your personal attitude on the matter — and I must admit I hate smoking, too — it does not excuse your non-sense statements coated in arrogance.
P.S.: I'm no mind-reader, but... Have you lost someone close to you, that makes this subject such a personal battle? I totally "get" that. -
Thank you very much for the recommendation, brinjen!
John Doe
For one thing, it's not a responsibility issue so much as it's physical addiction issue.
You're saying physical addiction forces you to purchase smokes, makes you light them, and makes you put them to your mouth? You have no choice in the matter? I call that pure unmitigated bs. Every smoke you take is a personal decision. No one but you is responsible for that decision. Make all the excuses you want, every smoke you take is your personal choice.
Now you are trying (and failing) to put words in my mouth that clearly do not exist.
Do you even realize, JD, that this huffing and puffing on a public message board is an embarrassment to your person?
"You, you, you."
Please work out a counterpoint, or something or other, that is not re-directed to insulting my personal habits, which you so foolishly assume to know.
Otherwise, I urge you kindly once again: You and your ill-will and your horse can get out. You are trolling for trouble-making on a topic that obviously does not concern you.