Do you believe you will be resurrected to earth or heaven and why? Or do you believe in something else based on the bible like reincarnation?
For those that believe in the bible and resurrection
by cognac 11 Replies latest jw friends
I believe in karma, I feel as though that you can make up for the life you led with a reincarnation, but if you led a good life you go to heaven. As far as ressuraction goes this earth has been around for awhile and nobody ever came forward and profess being ressurcted excepted for a hand full of people in the bible. As far as I'm concern the bible is just a BOOK
Thanks for your thoughts biblelike. What are your reasonings for having this type of belief? Is it simply what makes the most sense to you?
In standard Christian theology the faithful are supposed to be in an intermediate state after their physical death and then with the Second Advent Jesus is to return to earth and these faithful are joined with their physical bodies (reconstitution) and live forever on this planet or perhaps, as some theorize, moving on in some post millennial plan.
Too often you here the phrase you remind me of this person or man that person lived such a bad life i wonder whats going to happen to him. in my opinion i dont think that demons are recreated or theres a hell for bad people. the only way a person can fully redeem themselves is to give them a second try unless of course you hitler. it just like bad credit regardless of you credit score there is always somebody willing to give you a second try you just have to meet them partway in order to get that car, home or loan. if humans are willing to do that then why not a creator. so many people say if only i could do it all again well i think we can. personally i feel karma throughout my personal life what goes around those come back around or you get what you put out.
I believe that, when we die, our bodies die, our spirit returns to God and our soul "sleeps" with our body untill the ressurection when God, through Jesus, puts our spirit back into our bodies and we are ressurected.
In what form and whre is up to God and Jesus, doesn't much matter to me be truthful.
Now, I believe that our spirit is with God and as such, WE are with God in spirit form.
Honestly the details of death and ressurection don't bother me much or oocupy much thought, it will be what it will be.
I am far more concerned about what I do HERE and NOW.
Thank-you for your replys. Is there any evidence anybody has of these beliefs? Any specific scriptures or something else as to why you believe what you do?
Cognac I will try to remember to come back to post on this a bit later...kinda busy now...
thanks Isaac...
I believe that the spirit returns to God because it is stated plainly in the bible, Jesus often reffered to death as "sleep", so that is good enough fo rme ;)
We know that the sould can die, though it seems that according to scripture that may be only at the final judgment.
As for being with God in heaven or being on Earth AFTER the Ressurection, both views can be found in the Bible but since, to me, it doesn't matter that much, I leave those details to God and Jesus, I am sure THEY know.