Virtual Hugs and Big Thanks

by beksbks 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    Wow...I thought I'd missed some major life event you'd shared beks....thank goodness I didn't!...((Hugs)) and thanks to you and everyone on here for sharing thoughts and opinions, for showing how much a net community can really stand together and just how much kindness and compassion virtual friends are capable of...sammieswife.

  • SixofNine

    Hugs backatcha, Beks. (and lets keep our fingers crossed for a few weeks.... it's looking good for the good side of history)

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Right back at ya sister.

  • beksbks

    Oh Sammie! You should have been on that list! You're a good American, even if you are Canadian

    CoCo, you know I love you! How about if you knock some sense into Arnie while you're there!?

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