My god don't waste time listening to prayers,,can you imagine how crazy he'd get if he'd have to respond to every creature request and mark for special attention once hes done a back round check on a petitioner and found them a righteous man or someone who was giving him glory, or a patriarch or the person was using a special prayer designed to pull at god's heart strings and thus do the thing requested, or how about those prayers that drone on and on just imagine the torture of having to listen to a prayer that lasted 5 or 10 hours repeating and repeating the same thing over and over again. My god is spared all that,, it is not in the contract run the universe #1 priority no listening to all that mind numbing mumbo jumbo.
Nope there is a universe to run and he ain't got time help you find your keys, so instead of asking my god to help you find them I suggest you take a couple of memory courses or get a retractable keys holder and hook it to your belt so you do go losing them.