JW mystery!!! "What came down from heaven?" I need a knowledgeable Witness to help me with this question.
In John 6:51 Jesus says: "I am the living bread that came down out of heaven" . Any JWs out there, who want to help me out?
by Deputy Dog 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW mystery!!! "What came down from heaven?" I need a knowledgeable Witness to help me with this question.
In John 6:51 Jesus says: "I am the living bread that came down out of heaven" . Any JWs out there, who want to help me out?
I think they're all occupied with another matter.
The privy, perhaps? (1 Kings 18)
Tee hee hee.
Could you explain a in a little more detail what you are seeking?
If you look at the text before that scripture he is talking about manna and I would assume his comments about coming down from heaven in regards to himself are that Jehovah has sent him as Jehovah sent manna. While manna sustained their forefathers for a period they all died without the manna being able to resurrect them in the last day like Jesus promises to do to all that believe.
If jesus was just a man as (JWs teach), what part of him came down from heaven?
Interesting question.
I'll tell you like an elder told me when I asked a "difficult" question: "You just accept it as stated. If you have to question it, you are spiritually weak."
Doesn't the WTS teach that Jesus is the "living manna?" Or, did they change that teaching in the last week or so?
You just accept it as stated.
That's the funny thing. There's nothing clearly stated.
If Jesus is the living manna, why don't they "eat" him? Didn't the Israelites have to eat the manna to have life?