My Grandmother (Dedicated to Mouthy)

by palmtree67 12 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • palmtree67

    My grandmother is 87. Got the Truth "on the farm" and her and my grandfather used to have meetings in their home, baptise people in their bathtub. When she first heard that you could go door-to-door, she was in her glory. She has always loved the service. Always loved Jehovah. Never has doubted she will be in the Paradise. She is the wisest person I know. I believe that if Jehovah is looking for people - she is it.

    She is my best freind. My parents were abusive. I lived with her and my grandfather at various times in my life. She understands me, like no other. We are very close. She tells me everything. I tell her everything.

    I am now newly disfellowshipped.

    Has she shunned me?


    Out of respect for her beliefs, we have agreed that instead of calling as aften as I was before, I will call her twice a month. (We sneak in a few more calls than that....) and I will visit her less often. ( She lives next door to my parents.)

    But she knows that I need her. And she needs me. Out of 8 grandchildren (all JW's) i am the only one who calls her, visits her, looks after her. My JW parents are actively trying to steal her money. (Yes, I have proof, and am taking steps to prevent it.)

    I flew to see her last week and do some stuff on her house she needed to get done. That none of the JW family will do for her. They treat her and talk to her like she is a pain in the butt.

    She called me last night. She's going to the DC today. Did not even pressure me to go. She knows my situation and circumstances.

    Just wanted you all to know, I guess because she is a JW. And is truly a good person. And I think she epitomises what God is really looking for.

  • palmtree67

    Ummmm, what did I do wrong???

    Why is this under "Tech Support" ?

    Ooooops......Help me, Baby Jeebus!!

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    maybe it is because you were on a Tech Support Topic, when you hit New Topic. That would do it to ya.

    Interesting how you still identify yourself as a JW. As for me, [Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm still at all the meetings I can get to, regularly sing my heartfelt appreciation to every song I can.

  • cognac

    I was just thinking about how loving some JWs are! Thanks for the post. Wonderful story! Some JWs are really great, huh?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    maybe you could move in with the Grandma in exchange for helping around the house, etc. But, you've probably thought of that. So, I must be missing part of the picture. No doubt. By the way, I went to all of my DC, just went to a more secluded part of the stadium where there are tables and a look out the windows. Took notes. Kept to myself. A couple I knew from before just watched my stuff while I went to the washroom. I watched their stuff while they were away. Just ordinary business conversation, say could you watch my stuff while I use the washroom? That was all there was to it. Just saying I'm disfellowshipped while making eye contact, and then immediately looking away, ignoring the crowds, and minding my own business. It works for me. I wish you all the best, DC and all. I keep up my routine for my relationship with Jehovah. I'm mellowing and putting what I can into practice on JWN. Staying involved here keeps me away from what was causing me problems before.

  • palmtree67

    Good morning, Spike!

    I actually did move in with my grandmother for a while. I was really hoping it would work out, ( it should have ) I was hoping to get my life together there. The congregation seemed nice, I hadn't lost my service priveleges, I felt at peace there. But as I said, my parents live next door to her.

    They did everything they could to make it miserable for me. My mother gossipped about me and told people how I was "in trouble". Both my parents stuck their nose into my business and demanded explanations and then refused to accept anything I told them. They took the side of my ex-husband and helped him steal my truck, which was the only thing I had. They tattled to my ex about everything I did, I couldn't go anywhere or do anything without okaying it with them first, or they would make a big deal over nothing to the elders. I could go on. But you prolly get the picture. I had moved 3 times in 6 months to get away from my husband, and he basically harrassed me everywhere I went.

    That's when an old freind contacted me, found out what was going on. After a while, he told me that he had been in love with me for 10 years, that was why he left the city many years before. At first I told him I couldnt even think about being with him until my divorce was final, but that's when everything happened with my parents. I had no peace. i was at the end of my rope. And the offer started to sound really good. Peace and quiet!!

    And that's why I am df'ed now. But he is very good to me, I am feeling better and better every day. I wish I had had more time to decide about being with him, but I can see it is still the best place for me now. Being df'ed just seemed to be "part of the process" for me.

    I'm glad to hear that you are staying away from whatever was causing problems for you. I wish you the best......

  • mouthy

    Oh Palmtree,What a lovely e-mail... Your Granma sounds like a real Christian
    I am so happy she still talks to you .
    That so encourages me. After being so upset about the Jackson kids I like
    uplifting news like this,That there are still some in the WT ,that listens to JESUS to love
    & NOT the WT to hate,She has the Walk of Christ not the Talk of the WT

    Thank you sweetie

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Thanks for the warm greeting, Tamara! Here are some random thoughts that may assist you, even as they still assist me.

    I'm glad you're honest, Tamara, and can see what led to your current set of circumstances. Even King Solomon is translated as saying, at Ecclesiastes 7:7, that "mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy, and a gift can destroy the heart."

    When I choose the behavior, I choose the consequences. — Dr. Phil [McGraw].

    Me not being "one of Jehovah's WItnesses" is part of my process, also. We each have to work out our own salvation from sin.

    Since coming onto JWN, in referencing my array of English Bible translations, versions, and paraphrases, I came across the paraphrase done by Jack J. Blanco. At Galatians 5:23, his paraphrase for "self-control" is interesting:— "self-imposed discipline for the sake of others, and wholesome and healthful living".

    Regarding both your own situation and that of the other actors in this drama you describe [which now includes me], let me quote the words translating the Apostle Paul at Romans 14:4. There it reads,"Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand."

    May Jehovah give you the wisdom so that you may be stand and be seen as standing on His side of the issue of Universal Sovereignty also, thus staying away from whatever was causing problems for you. I wish you the best......

  • mouthy

    Spike are you trying to tell us your NOT a JW????

    I find it very hard to believe. Not Judging just telling the truth

  • palmtree67

    Hi Spike!

    Thank you for quoting that scripture in Ecc. It is one that I have thought of alot. I have had alot of unusual circumstances in my life. I haven't put an actual story on here, or a biography. I guess my story is kinda scattered amongst my posts. But I also take responsibility for the things I've done. I'm just having trouble right now figuring out how I could've handled things differently. I almost feel like I've been dragged through the last few years, at the mercy of others. Like I'm struggling through a busy subway station, going against the tide of people, and I finally just said, O screw it......But instead of going along with the tide, I have just bowed out of the crowd. And boy, did I ever need the breather!! It feels so good right now, to just sit back for a second and take a rest.

    Will I go back to the Witnesses? I honestly don't know right now. My experience with them has been that there is not alot of practicing what they preach. Everything seems fake. The people I have had experience with is that they are not nice people and more screwed up than people I have met in the world.

    I believe in God. I believe he deserves my respect and worship. But I'm not sure how to go about that. I'm no longer sure who his people are or if he has a people. I am reading the Bible alot, but various versions of it.

    Thank-you for replying to me. I really do appreciate your insights and will think about what you've said.

    Take care, Friend.

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