Why do I really want to go to the meeting tonight?

by BloominMarvellous 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    To go, or not to go ... that is the question.

    If you have a need, you must go. I do not believe you are selling out, doing irreparable damage to yourself, or sending a message to the world that you are "hooked" or that you have relapsed.

    It is just a public gathering and if it is unhealthy at some point your need will die just as love can die when a person is abused. Please do not put too much significance on a momentary feeling. It will pass.

  • snowbird

    If you keep going, instead of blooming marvelously, you will soon be drooping dreadfully.

    Think about it.


  • leavingwt

    Hopefully, tonight won't be the night the GB aks everyone to drink the Kool-Aid.

  • chickpea

    so your own answer to your question
    is that you are looking for safety?

    are there no other venues to consider?

  • BloominMarvellous

    i didn't go although i wanted to i stopped myself and took a step back and thought about it

    what is the point in letting them some more years of my life

    thank you for your comments

  • BloominMarvellous

    sorry* letting them have some more years of my life

  • WTWizard

    I would not go. Once you go once, they are going to expect you to go all the time. From there, you will be expected to waste all your time in field circus, obey every single one of their stupid rules, and believe whatever the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger tells you. They will impose these steps sequentially if at any point you concede to any one of them.

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