Are we the same as JW's talking about Armageddon being close, when we say, "I think the JW Organization will end soon because..."?

by BonaFide 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    The bookstudy has now been moved to the Kingdom Hall! The end of JW's is close!!!

    The Society is no longer lending money for Kingdom Halls!!! The end of JW's is close!!!

    The Branch in Spain has to pay pensions for ex-bethelites!!! The end of JW's is close!!!

    The Society is moving printing to Canada!!! The end of JW's is close!!!

    The Society is laying off Bethelites!!! The end of JW's is close!!!

    I have been doing this thinking myself, so I am just like a lot on this forum. But are we wishful thinking?

    Just like Witnesses saying the end is near of this system of things whenever there is an earthquake or flood or Swine flu or whatever, are we jumping on any Witness news and saying "Well, that's it, the end of the Watchtower Organization."

    Are we? Or is the Organization crumbling? Or too many topics on this already? Maybe we ARE wishful thinking.


  • AllTimeJeff

    The difference between the two BF is that one message comes from a small group of self appointed men whose dogma ruins hundreds of thousands of lives.

    The other comes from people who have been maimed and want some relief, and know that the people that hurt them are still around trying to convert more people to hurt in the same manner. Totally different.

  • BonaFide
  • flipper

    BONAFIDE- No , we are A LOT different ! The JW's say 99 .9 % of the earths population will be destroyed if they don't observe what the WT society says . AS ex-witnesses we say that people will live in freedom and be happier after exiting the cult. They can live out the rest of their lives free. When we say the demise of the WT society is close it is apparent you can see the cracks in the armor from all sides now. 30 years ago it was a more bustling organization

  • The-Borg

    Their harsh rules and the internet are having an impact on their numbers. Witnesses are just getting tired of the relentless pressure to preach and the end always being just around the corner.

    But as another poster pointed out, their collapse could come suddenly if they make a really stupid policy descision or a large catholic style pedophile pay out case.

  • carla

    I don't see any ex jw's who have claimed a direct and only channel to God yet, well, maybe there was one or two over the years but generally everybody realizes it is hopeful thinking and opinions here.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I think the JW Organization will end soon because..."?

    It is just as silly to speculate on Balmygeddon as it is to speculate on a sudden collapse of the WT.

    The only way out of their embarrassment is KoolAid, but there is no way for an international cult to get away with that across many time zones.

    Cults don't die easy.

    Followers can be found for the majority of the 'crazies' that we have seen in our lifetimes.

    Charlie Manson still gets fan mail. If you want to save a tree, you can join his cult.

    The WT may get more pathetic than it is now, but the really dedicated, Reniaa/my Dad, type followers will always manage to find new victims.

    It is foolish to hope that your family will be free to not shun you when their cult dies. That is NOT going to happen in your lifetime.



  • MarisaKristofiak

    it CAN be similar, yes. I see similarities in the attitudes...

    but for far different reasons of course.

    but everyone has their reasons, it comes down to emotion.

  • Satanus

    I see your point, bf. Perhaps, the mindset of expecting an ending, a closure has been switched from a focuss on 'the world' to an end of an org.


  • Farkel

    It's probably time for me to bring this up again. It needs to be done from time-to-time. I know I speak for many ex-JWs when I say what I am about to say:

    It is not imperative to me that the WTS comes crashing down into nothingness. Realiistically, that probably won't happen. And I swear on my father's grave that the day the WTS ends its horrible institutionally-enforced disfellowshiping policy will be the last day I will ever write another word about the religion.

    With DFing gone, all their wacky beliefs and stupid fake prophecies and petty little bullshit will not be important. As long as people would be totally free to walk away (or stay, for that matter) from the religion without having their lives ruined by doing so, I don't give a rat WHAT the WTS does.


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