Do you agree that God's love is unconditional?

by asilentone 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    So god loves everyone equally, except: (this is from a wide swath of humanity.... not comprehensive, but it is telling)

    • Gays and Lesbians
    • Expert fisherman (Also known as master baiters)
    • Black people
    • Women
    • Foreigners
    • Mulsims and other non Christians
    • Agnostics
    • Atheists
    • Depressed and mentally ill
    • Any sports team from Cleveland. (hello Browns fans)

    Point is, "unconditional" as it is generally understood might as well be a campaign slogan from a politician, useful only for recruting, to be discarded when you get the vote.

    It's easier to say who god evidentally loves (white men who go to church and f*ck their wives... thank you for that Bill Maher) then to list all that he hates, which as we all recall, the GB took great pains to explain.

    You see, god hates all kinds of activities and people, he destroys up to the 4th or 10th generation if you or an ancestor offered a burnt sacrifice at a peace of metal instead of up to him personally. (not that you can see him, he is soooooo high up.)

    I realize I am just another former JW who saw the light about god, but if you want to convince me that 1) God exists and 2) she is worthy of worship, then the last place you want to start with me is some BS about god being loving, unconditional or not.

  • leavingwt

    I've never spoken with a Fundamentalist who believes that God's love is unconditional. Each of them was able to produce a laundry list of requirements.

    However, there is Common Grace AND Special Grace, so I guess we'd have to be more specific about the definition of the word LOVE.

  • glenster

    The thing the writer may have meant by "unconditional" is God accepting
    someone of faith (show me your faith by your works--James), though none can be
    perfect by works, as though perfect and sinless, or that the offer is
    potentially available to anyone. The follower is given conditions to basically
    be ethical (that homosexuality is a sin is debated as being based on the wrong
    translations let alone retro) and give God His due (ruling out giving credit to
    another God or no God).

    It's supposed to be about a faith or hope in a possible God, one that's even
    thrown His weight around with His prerogative (nevermind a specific flood or
    battles--He allows illnesses, etc., and has everyone die, but yet wants
    exclusive worship to give Him His due as creator or sustainer who provided the
    follower with whatever life they found). That comes with conditions, but it
    wouldn't be possible for Him to be a God that's all-beneficent and unconditional
    in having everyone live in fair heavenly circumstances forever. That would
    eliminate criticisms about conditions but couldn't exist.

  • WTWizard

    That is another place where the Bible lies. God hates everyone, especially anyone that has the potential of pulling up mankind so they do not need to depend on that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.

  • frankiespeakin

    Well I think everyone who believes in the biblical deity would feel pressured to vote yes on the question "Do you agree that God's love is unconditional?" simply because they feel god is looking and watching everything they think and do,, so anything they think or say about god better be good and always in his defense, because they know if they don't this deity will punish them somehow.

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