by FreeFallin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adonai438

    I've had to deal with a relative that just gushes over how much love she finds in the organization and how thats proof of the true faith. I had to break the news to her that in the seven years I've been out of the WT and been a Born again Christian that I have visited many and been a member of one terrific church and have found Love in all of them. I then told her, therefore you cannot pick your faith based on how nice other people treat you, otherwise we are both right- which is logically impossible :)
    I just want to encourage you that Yahweh truly Loves you and so do we.
    Love and friendship and support are all in the true God.
    Amen to the scriptures up there :)
    If you feel like talking or want info to help you stay strong in your decision please e-mail me!

  • ofcmad

    I follow the same sentiments as most here...

    "water and towels"

    yep.. the water was for washing their faces off from the mess of the debris and rehydration. They have been suffering from scratched corneas and irratation from the skin.. (remember there was absestos in those buildings, along with fiberglass, the uncounted toxins caused by the smoke.)

    Towels were for them wiping the blood from their hands, trying to clean debris off of the dead; the sweat - from their hard labor; and the tears for the sorrow caused by cowards.

    And all the witnesses did was talk.

    Better to be DOERS of the Word.


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
  • patio34


    Brilliant! Reminded me of the saying 'what good is it to preach to starving people?' First, feed them! They can't listen when they're dying from starvation.

    Another thing, notice how the JWs don't use the word 'preach.' That was what they were doing. They use the euphemism 'offering comfort.' What baloney! Really, 'preach' is not what they're doing either. They're recruiting.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • FreeFallin

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU..TO ALL OF YOU. I feel like I've been counseled, but in good way! Very good points were made by everyone. I'm printing this all out to show to my husband and TRY to reason with him.

    This is my first year of celebrating (kind of) that holiday that falls on December 25..I'm sure you all know the one I mean(smile.)
    I don't know if my elder friend saw the tiny Norfolk Pine with garlands of rosebuds as decoration. If he did, he ignored it.

    To all of you..HAPPY DECEMBER!!! and a wonderful 2002

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