What is the most spiteful thing you have done, silent one? Give us an example of what you mean by "spite". Cos I don't know if I have been or not. Tell us a story. we need to be entertained, too.
Are you spiteful toward certain people?
by asilentone 16 Replies latest jw experiences
cameo, I do not believe in being spiteful, I just do not like people being spiteful toward me, I am all for peaceful relations, not strained relations. I cannot think of any examples that I have been spiteful in the past, it is just not my nature, maybe someone that I know of can tell me if I were ever spiteful to certain people, I would be willing to admit it if I can remember doing certain things to other people.
The people I am spiteful toward are no longer in my life. I don't keep people in my life who are toxic. When I say spiteful, I do not mean that I act in a spiteful way toward them. I only fantasize about it occasionally.
Healthy? I would say not. As the Buddha said, holding on to anger is like picking up a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who will be burned. However, I have not yet had the control to excise my negative feelings. Since I only experience them during the rare times when a memory of the person or event occurs to me, I don't consider it one of my bigger failings.
Ooh, here's something spiteful. A few nights ago someone hijacked my email account. They used it to send a virus to random people in my address book. I sent out a follow-up email warning everyone not to open the link--with the exception of my ex-husband. And I wouldn't be at all sorry if his dumb @ss clicks it.
White Dove
No, I avoid people I don't like. If I meet up with them again, I'm cordial. When I get home, I have myself a little bitchfest with my kids to purge the incident. They know the same people I know, so we have lots to say about them. It's cathartic.
White Dove
Negative feelings about toxic people help keep you safe from their toxins.
I have found since my departure for the JW's that when I do run into them I'm pretty spiteful towards them, with the exception of one or two. The others can just kiss my ass.
I usually avoid people who've done me wrong/I don't like/enjoy pushing my buttons. I'm not usually spiteful; it's energy I'd rather use for good, not evil,..:) A grudge is a heavy thing to bear.
But I'm the freakin devil if you push me far enough,...muahaha