Rip off city at Albertsons Grocery stores! Pay attention when you shop!

by restrangled 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Because of the economy, many grocery stores including the above have started "buy one get one free".....look out, it's most likely a joke.

    Just today in Albertsons they had Nestle's drum stick icecream cones (4 pack) at $4.39. Buy one get one free. At the very bottom of the freezer you could buy and 8 pack for $6.49. Thats 8 for $ 6.50 or $8.80 for the same amount.....under the buy one get one free plan.

    This really ticks me off!


  • Honesty

    You get 2 of the 4 packs for $4.39

    You get the single 8 pack for $6.49

    You save $2.01 if you buy 2 of the 4 packs for $4.39 instead of paying $6.49 for the single 8 pack.

    Was the Watchtower's explanation for 1914 easy for you to grasp?

  • restrangled

    The 4 packs were sold out after one day.....only the 8 packs left. I think it was on purpose!

  • restrangled

    You know are so correct...I was so side tracked with other stuff, I just stood there trying to figure out what....with the $4.39 gone, in my haste I thought I was a head of the game....

    I guess this is part of the sales job too.....boy do I feel stupid.


  • mkr32208

    LOL ask a mod to delete it before anyone else reads it! lol...

    Or make it about obama and then people will hijack it and you'll be off the hook!

  • restrangled

    Mkr....Yes once in ahwile a we wind up stupid. A mistake was made under stress, I won't deny it. It's just me. Take it or leave it.


  • Gregor

    I try to compare the price per ounce when buying a larger package. Shoppers tend to assume it's a better deal to buy the larger amount but many times you will find the bastards charge more. I don't drink a lot of beer but I often notice that 2 six packs are less than a box of 12 of the same suds.

    2 fer deals don't always mean you have to buy two, but sometimes you do. Safeway has got tricky pricing down to a science. After all your careful shopping they screw you at the scanner unless you've got a photographic memory and three eyeballs.

  • villabolo

    For those occasions were they run out of what you want don't forget rainchecks.


  • bluecanary

    I have this picture as my desktop background. It's my new favorite saying:

  • HintOfLime

    Seriously though, you have to keep an eye on this stuff. I don't know how many times I've seen 24-packs of soda that cost more than buying 2 12-packs, and that sort of thing. You assume because it's "bulk" you get a better deal, or at least the same.. but it's not always the case.

    Of course, a lot of that is moot anyway if you're single. Buying anything in bulk other than canned goods and frozen items just means more stuff to spoil before you get around to eating it.

    - Lime

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