"but where are we going to get a duck and a hose at this hour? "
On the Internet, Josie, on the Internet...
Then we'll plot to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!
by Sour Grapes 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"but where are we going to get a duck and a hose at this hour? "
On the Internet, Josie, on the Internet...
Then we'll plot to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!
You can't take the world over while doing a BJ. You can't even drive a car.. didn't we cover this?
Right Jeff, I always forget that part.
Who the f*** do these quacks think they are? They are blatantly saying that just so they can stop people from enjoying their sex--oral sex cannot reasonably cause cancer. And I am quite tolerant of people with ideas about cancer that are way off the beaten track--and I still cannot buy that crap! Obviously, that is like having some window washer that doesn't know a damn thing about cancer telling me how to get it.
What can cause oral cancer is things like smoking, using smokeless tobacco products, and things like that--and that is why they are picking age 12 (which is a common year when children start smoking). Sodium nitrite in cured meat products can also cause cancer in the mouth and throat (unless, that is, you take a good stiff dose of vitamin C along with it). And so can the pollution from cars (like the car that is certainly used these days in field circus), chlorinated fatty acids (tap water with chlorine mixing with fats from your food), and many other chemicals that are put in your food (mostly to addict you to their food). This sounds like what a lot of witlesses go through all the time in the course of their theocraptic activities.
This sounds like another thing coming from the biggest quack of them all--Gerrit Losch. This is the slimebag that thinks he knows it all (or acts like he does), puts it down as doctrines from a talk, and then expects people to believe (and teach) it. I think I would rather have Dr Dre treating me than Quack Losch.
said that there is so much unnatural use of the sex organs by the world's
youth, that the medical field is encouraging all parents with children 12 years
of age and older to take their children to the doctor to check for mouth and
throat cancer.
How in the f*** do they spew this nonsense in front of children? How can parents sit and listen to this shit?
Oh, I forgot. The kind of parents that are unintelligent drones - the kind of parents that don't take their kids to the dentist yearly, where they get checked for cancer every time.
There is no end to the demonization of the world. I really think that they are slipping... getting weirder and weirder as time goes by.
It helps if you don't pay attention to the speaker while he's talking.
Mentally going over baseball rosters, NFL drafts and statistics got me through more than one inane talk.
Whew. Good thing I won't get mouth cancer! I was too busy going blind from masturbating, darn it.
It's hard to make un-absurd comments when your mouth's full...
I keep busy at the Sunday meeting by reading emails, news and JWN on
my blackberry tucked between the pages of the song book. The Bible is
two small to do a good job of hiding.
Sour Grapes
rember the asleep/awake article that masturbation made you have prostate problems