Why are there no conspiracies in the mainstream about JW's?

by mkr32208 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I mean seriously there are so many stupid crackbrained theories out there kennedy, 9/11, freemasons, contrails I mean all this crap and yet here we have this group of 7 million people who get together several times a week in buildings with no windows who sneak around with maps of everyone's address and write little notes and carry big briefcases...

    I mean sure WE know that they are just carrying a personal library of crap and writing '4453 whitehouse way... NH, 4454 whitehouse way... NI... etc...'

    But the HOUSEHOLDERS don't know! As far as Joe the householder knows that guy is writing '4453 whitehouse way.... Hot wife, nice TV, come back and kill them all tonight and steal the TV...' I mean really why no conspiracy theories about the witnesses?

    And how do we go about starting some?

  • WTWizard

    Because the average person has been dumbed down by all the crap they "learned" in high school. The leaders want everything we do to be what they tell us to, and will not let us see the early warning symptoms when a totalitarian system is about to take off.

    Along comes the witlesses. I have noticed that their current structure is dangerously like that of the early Catholic church, and if they had their way, they would seize ownership of everything and everyone. Everything you did would be what they tell you, or they would eventually have you stoned to death. (The Catholics burned people at the stake, which accomplishes the same thing--preventing others from finding out that they are full of hot air). Plus, they would make their doctrines have the power of law. Effectively, that would plunge us into the Second Dark Ages.

    Of course the world cannot see that because the same thing the leaders did to prevent them from waking up to their own totalitarian New World Order is also going to prevent people from seeing this.

  • carla

    You have to remember that most people know little to nothing about the jw's. Even if they have had them at their door, they may let them go through their spiel but they really just want to get rid of them and don't really listen, they are like the magazine sales people who come around (we have people who sell regular mags not just jw's selling their mags).

    When people find out about the territory card and that comments are written down about the householder people are shocked and creeped out. They ask " if we are nice and engage in conversation that means they will come back? sometimes I get a different jw though" then I tell them about the territory card and they are most definitely creeped about it. They are dumbfounded to find that jw's keep such records that include maps, all the addresses and comments by people. Then of course I, being the helpful person that I am offer them the cease & desist letter to send to NY

    A number of years ago there was a case where 2 guys who really were jw's, did go out in fs but also took note of which houses had valuables and antiques. They were burgalers on the side. If memory serves they got a couple years, I would imagine they were df'd so then I suppose they weren't 'real' jw's.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The movie, ANGELS AND DEMONS is about a conspiracy within the Catholic Church. People are fascinated because the Church is old and heaped in tradition, but mostly because it is a huge religion with a huge membership.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are just a half-blip on the radar. They are insignificant to the average person. Cult news across the U.S. is generally focused on fringe groups of LDS. But get enough pedophile shockers out there in the news and they can get their full blip on the radar.

    I wish Oprah or 20/20 would do a full expose on WTS, but that seems highly unlikely until they are more than a half-blip.

  • AllTimeJeff
    Jehovah's Witnesses are just a half-blip on the radar. They are insignificant to the average person. Cult news across the U.S. is generally focused on fringe groups of LDS. But get enough pedophile shockers out there in the news and they can get their full blip on the radar.

    There is a reason why we are all here, for us. But the truth is, JW's are a small group no one cares about. The GB imo knows this too, and it allows them to get away with all sorts of shit.

    Who are we going to tell on? They are a protected religious group that the government can't regulate. Best you can do is negative publicity and hope a major sex/money scandal comes to light.

    The media loves stories like that. One GB member "screwing the pooch" (for real) will do way more then CoC. Thats all it will take.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    When you are Witness the Watchtower seems all important to you. There big things are going on in the world and the Watchtower is at center stage. If you are not a JW Jehovah's Witness are just those odd people who bother you on the weekends and you might take their magazines just to make them go away. I think one of the first revelations I had about the Watchower was when I saw how they applied a lot of the things in the Bible as prophecies about themselves in ways the no one other than a brainwashed JW would see. Like how they applied the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation to the brief time Rutherford spent in jail. No one even knows who he was or that the guy was in jail so why would a book written about two thousand years ago be pointing to that insignifigent event?

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