I remember the generation change. It was a couple of years before I exited. Even the elders in my congregation didn't seem like they knew how to take it... blew us all away.
Another 1975 Thread (Scans of Oct 15, 1969 WT)
by brinjen 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes, no one knew it or understood it. It made Jesus words meaningless....and when I ask my dad about it now he simply says that it wasn't really a change just a better understanding.
Prior to the 1995 change, although I did not want to live the witness life, I still beleived the end had to be soon and that it was an established fact it had to come before the 1914 generation died out. It put a damper on my seniior year in high school and 1st year or 2 of college as I counted how old that generation was...77...78...79....80....any day now....Had they not screwed up there they may have had me back in sooner or later. This showed me they had nothing special and opened up my mind to where down the road I could research the org and its history.
Jehovah postponed Armageddon in 1975 because I left just before that and He wanted to give me time to straighten out my act.
Jehovah is still waiting for me to do that...Jehovah is a patient God...
Jehovah postponed Armageddon in 1975 because I left just before that and He wanted to give me time to straighten out my act.
In that case, please keep doing exactly what you're doing. As long as you keep it up the rest of us don't have to repentâ„¢.
So who was pulling whos pisser then?
Jehovah? Jesus? The FDS? The overzealous rank & file?
I'm confused.
Mr Fool
Also 1996 was an expected year of Armageddon....interesting!
Look at this ....... hmmm didn't they just write a warning exactly
like this.
OTWO wrote this in 2019 July12.............
WTS gained more membership before 1975 than they lost afterward, so the whole debacle was a victory for them. But it did change the corporation into a revolving-door membership as time went by. Also, these spirit-directed men never counted on the internet to make all their words from more than 3 decades ago so readily available to everyone. I think 1975 will be one of their huge downfalls. Yet, they will feel an overwhelming need to try to do it again when membership plummets. 2014 is a bit short-sighted, but I can see them refusing to name that date and trying to keep everyone excited that the end is so so so so close that they can taste/smell/feel it. I imagine when the members tire of that excitement, they will start the 2034 campaign (120 years of the last days to match 120 years set by Jehovah before the flood). They have already laid the groundwork in past articles for such a campaign. They already tell the members to expect strange commands out of the FDS and the need to obey.
I think after 2014 comes and goes they will start hinting more about 2034. Probably by the end of this decade and once the 2020's start, the hints will start to become stronger