I think musky's "record" is shattered already!!
Does everyone like you?
by asilentone 67 Replies latest jw friends
My wife just called the court house and the judge approved my application for protective order which takes effectively immediately. I have a hearing date on August 17th.
I'll pick up the paperwork from the clerk's office tomorrow while my wife's gone to dialysis. Can't do it today because she's feeling sick, she's been throwing up since 3:30 this morning. My poor baby! :(
Lady Lee
I spent most of my life trying to get everyone to like me. It is a fultile project.
One day I finally realized that there were many people I wished wouldn't like me. They were abusive in one way or another - liars, selfish, uncaring. . . . I just didn't need it anymore in my life.
I love helping people. But I have finally learned there have to be limits and I don't need everyone to like me. I just need me to like me enough so that I don't have to have everyone like me.
Besides I don't like everyone I meet so why not the other way around.
Lady Lee
You did the right thing by calling the police and getting the restraining order although that might be hard to serve if they can't find him.
Keep the furniture in his room and use it for yourself - well what wasn't already trashed. You don't owe him a bed and furniture - just his personal clothes. Sounds like he may have gotten rid of anything valuable to get his drugs.
If he shows up you must call the police. Otherwise there was no purpose in getting the restraining order. Your wife will have to deal with it if he gets hauled off to jail. This is for her protection too because when an addict gets angry they don't care who is on the way. I'm very glad he didn't turn on her when he started throwing punches.
Check to see if there are some community services that offer assistance to victims of crime. You reported this to the police so have a file number to show you were a victim. You might get some things replaced.
Plastering and repairing the walls isn't as difficult as it might seem. So a bit of homework and you can probably do it yourself.
Check at your local goodwill store, They often have old printers and scanners for sale for next to nothing.
When I was reading your initial post I wondered why anyone would need strobe lights. Then realized your wife uses them to call you and they are probably linked up to the phone and door as well.
Take care and do what you can to protect your wife and yourself
No, everyone does not like me and I'm ok with that.
I don't like everyone anyways,....;)
Check to see if there are some community services that offer assistance to victims of crime. You reported this to the police so have a file number to show you were a victim. You might get some things replaced.
Tried to google for some assistance and having a hard time finding the right one.
I would like to have the holes in the walls fixed and painted over, but currently I am drawing unemployment as I am a victim of the economy just like millions of others. My wife draws SSD which isn't much per month. I budget whatever I can.
I am very embarrassed to have people come into my house with all these mess that is going on in my house, so embarrassed that sometimes I am in the verge of tears. This isn't funny.
On a side note, I am having sleepless nights because I am scared he will break into our home and try to harm me or my wife. I am extremely tired all the time and I don't want to resort to sleeping pills because I am afraid of becoming addicted to them. Sometimes I am afraid to sleep because of that last bad nightmare I had. I don't want to be dealing with that again. It's bad enough having to deal with what happened to me last week Wednesday, having these nightmares added into the problem sure doesn't improve things.
I can't afford to see a doctor or even a cheap clinic because they charge too much and I have no health insurance.
His g/f came by yesterday and got more of his clothes. She brought a "butter up" stuffed animal that my step-son got for his mom. Made her cry. I told her later after the g/f left, "You do realize he's trying to butter you up for after what he did to me." she didn't say anything.
She's getting ready to leave for dialysis this morning, waiting on the ride to pick her up. Soon as she leaves, I'm heading down to the courthouse to pick up the papers from the clerk's office and then do some shopping for some more food. Gotta watch what I spend since I can't afford much on account of the bills going out this week.
I had applied for SSD and got two appointments this month, one for a hearing test that will prove my deafness and a physical exam. Since I am having a hard time finding a job and the interviewers as of late been asking about my deafness and my psoriasis has gotten worse, plus I can't afford the ointment medicine to keep it under control. The employers are looking at my psoriasis funny. So, I may have to go on SSD just to help keep me and my wife out of too much financial trouble. Wish me luck.
It's raining out now, so hope the driver has the umbrella.
Yiz -
Spike Tassel
As for me, I wish Yiz "good discernment" rather than "luck". "Time and unforeseen occurrences" can be GOOD, after all.