Today I had to meet a couple of co-workers in a residential neighborhood to look over a pending job. While we were there a 4-door car pulled to the curb and three men got out wearing suits and carrying briefcases. They fanned out and started knocking on doors. One of my co-workers said something about "the jehovahs" and we went back to reviewing our plans. It wasn't 15 minutes later when three young men wearing black pants and white shirts w/ties came riding up on their bicycles, dismounted, and started knocking on the same doors! When they came by us one of them asked us to visit a new web site called ("Well thank you. I'll do that."). The people living their must have felt truly blessed to get a double dose of unsolicited religion.
Duelin' door knockers
by frozen one 10 Replies latest jw friends
I would be soooo pissed if I got hit by two religions in my home during the same day (or year even).
You gotta admit that's funny, though. All the claims of being the one true religion because they carry the gospel door to door just like Jesus, while the Mormons were working the same territory. Priceless!!
Pandoras cat11
Ha!! Sounds like a scene from Men in Black
I got my dose of religion today too.
My son is doing some building for a huge Pentacostal Church, I went on site to get some pics of what he was doing. Got to take a look inside one of the 15 million dollar churches. You have to appreciate the archectecture, beautiful and stained glass....awesome. I met the pastors wife and some of the other "brothers" very nice.....I felt a little self-conscious in my shorts, but I did nto have make-up on, so maybe that got me some points. They told me what a great son I have and I had to agree!
While at a stop light, I saw the two morman kids on bikes riding around....felt badly for them, it's hot in those outfits!
Then I ran into a JW at Wal-Mart!!!!!
I took a few pics of the inside of the pentacostal church, pics are not allowed, but this domed stained glass ceiling in the foyer I just had to get, The pic does it no justice. It was taken from a building in downtown Little Rock and put in this church. I told my son how amazing it was that all the money for this came from people right here in our area, who would have thought?
Great! Now, I've got that stupid song - dueling banjos - or whatever it was called - from Deliverance - stuck in my head! And - the mental of the country-folk in their rockers - along with it!
Thanks! *mumbles and walks away*
frozen one
Why do they not allow photos? That dome does look stunning.
I don't know why they don't allow photos inside, they did not tell me that today, someone told me that a few weeks ago when we were talking about it. I would have taken a pic of the main hall but there were a few people in there just randomly sitting, praying or worshipping is what I thought. I was told they spent 3 million dollars on statues and chandeliers etc for the inside. It really was quite beautiful. Here is a pic of both buildings from the interstate. Sorry to hijack.......I could write heaps about this Church.
edited to add:
This congregation is very cultish too, most of the parishoners send their kids to the school, they are building on a nursery, which my son is working on. They have a coffee shop and a gift shop inside the main building, alot of remodelling going on in there right now. My son also built an alter and stage....a stage that rolls out from a platform. I got pics of all that but feel uneasy posting any of that as I know they don't want pics taken. I mainly took them for a portfolio of my sons jobs. They do tithe bigtime I have heard, at least 10% of your income.
They have been very hospitable to my son and his crew, coffee, drinks, pastries in the am. They have a soft serve ice=cream thing on wheels and they brought it out for them to make themselves some ice-cream everyday!!!!
I quit!
Isn't it funny how cults fall into pattern the become a part of their religion that they wouldn't dream of going against. Both Mormons and Jdubs claim that they the ones following the Bible yet there is nothing in the Bible about wearing short sleeved white shirts riding bikes or car groups, book bags and wearing ties when it is 100 degrees outside. Why can't Mormon say "screw it! I'm taking the car today" Or a Jdub say "You know it a nice day think I'll save some gas and do the earth a favor. I'm going to ride my bike out in service today".
I quit!
I didn't know pentecostal churches were that ornate.
frozen one
Sorry, Jim.
I wonder what happened when the two groups encountered each other? Did they have a thoughtful theological discussion in an effort to find common ground and part ways with a deeper understanding of not only themselves and their respective beliefs, but of the human condition in general? Or was it like the Crips and the Bloods meeting with Glocks and knives pulled from their bookbags and backbacks - the incredibly violent, inevitable turf war? Most likely they met, mumbled hellos, and walked away thinking "what pathetic, misguided fools" of each other.