... and he gave me an assignment. No, not missionary work, but to contact a friend of his in Oklahoma. He wrote a whole two page letter! Wow! Plus, he signed it ... so eat your heart out! I got his autograph!
Got a letter from Ray Franz
by sacolton 9 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think dear Ray wants any kind of celebrity cult to build up around him (but just between you and me Sacs, how much do you want for the autograph ?)
He does though deserve our love and respect, he is a wonderful Guy and will reply if possible to most people,what a tremendous task in his state of health ! He kindly too , uses the opportunity to build your faith and guide you on the narrow path, I hope I can follow his example.
The world would be a better place if more were like him!
Hope you can find his friend!
Hugs...... hope you are holding up well through your personal tribulations.
The last time I ordered some material from Ray, I specifically asked him to please not take the time to respond, since I know he is famous for doing that, but also very busy and in bad health.
Instead, I received a nice reponse from him even before his material arrived!
I think it was Bert Schroder (may he rot in hell) who stated he thought the GB should have probably handled the Franz Affair(tm) differently. Boy, was that ever true! I think DFing Ray was the worst screwup in the modern history of the JW movement.
Oh Glad you were able to get in touch with him Sacolton
Let me know if you can help will you??
See how good it is for "family" to help each other ((HUG)) -
The bORG has always been good at shooting themselves in the foot. Maybe one day they'll aim a little higher and shoot themselves in the ba!!s
I think it was Bert Schroder (may he rot in hell) who stated he thought the GB should have probably handled the Franz Affair(tm) differently. Boy, was that ever true! I think DFing Ray was the worst screwup in the modern history of the JW movement.
Considering good ol 'Bert gave torches to the witch hunters, I bet he can see how bad he screwed up.
I got to meet him just before he died. I thought it was cool then, only when I read CoC did I understand what as @$$hole he really could be like. (although that does seem to be a pre-requisite to be on the GB)
Imagine how much better the WTS would be now with Ray still on it. It was during the 1970's that there was a softening on areas such as the treatment of disfellowshipped people, and that a rapid reversal after he left.
Schroeder was the one who took the lead in the Bethel elders meetings in 79 and 80 to condemn the whole apostasy thing. That's when I really woke up to what these power freaks were all about. During the meetingfs, I was writing furiously to take notes, which I later included in my "What Happened at Bethel in 1980" tract.
Purps, I got your card to give to Betty tomorrow. Thank you!