I don't know...
Throw it on your lawn so your garage doesn't smell. Jehovah would want a clean smelling gargagge.
by asilentone 22 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know...
Throw it on your lawn so your garage doesn't smell. Jehovah would want a clean smelling gargagge.
Shamus, you are so silly monkey.
asinentone, for sure, the WT has indoctrinated your writing style ;)
How Can I Avoid Getting Involved With the Wrong People?
How Can I Control My Emotions?
How Can I Control My Spending?
How Can I Cope When Tragedy Strikes?
How Can I Deal With Sexual Harassment?
LMAO at Chalam, I think some worldly magazines have that kind of questions too, but I know what you are talking about.
DampRid, maybe?
Yahoo answers section has alot of questions starting with "How can I......" You can also can see that at www.ask.com
Febreeze your tool box.
BTS, Thank you for your helpful post, I just looked at www.damprid.com
Quirky, I hate febreeze!
If your garage smells musty, and it's a continual problem, perhaps there is a source that is contributing? Excessive moisture can lead to mold, and then that smell is there for good until it's dealt with.