My family (JWs) don't really approve of some of the things I do as far as my parenting style goes...
My daughter, I love her so much. It's as if I can't ever show her enough love. I am an attached parent. It's just a very gentle parenting style. Everyone said that I would spoil her and she needs to cry it out at night time in order to sleep through the night... I wonder if letting your child cry it out is what makes them afraid of the dark when they get a little older. Anyways, I just can't do it. I will never parent there way. I can't ever do what was done to me...
I don't really let her cry a lot at all and I'm told that babies are "supposed to cry". Just, nobody respects the way I parent. I do not believe in spoiling, but I do believe in making sure your child has absolute trust that you are always going to be there no matter what to comfort, protect, nurture, and love them. This is simply the way I do things.
My daughter for the most part sleeps through the night. She's is an incredibly happy baby with a great personality. However, everything is attributed to me being lucky cause I have a "mirable baby" evidently despite the way I parent...
Anyways, do you parent differently then your JW parents do in general? Do they say they approve/disapprove? How has it worked out for you?