Research can be exhausting

by homeschool 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • homeschool

    Chalam, I absolutely realize they do not have the "truth", but I used to be very outspoken about that. I am trying again, using a more "open minded" approach, and when certain points are brought up....I can slip my little commentary in there.

    Sir82....yes, I realized that you are correct. They different variations of the name. I still don't understand why they didnt just go with Yahweh? They're reasoning makes no sense to me...they are so concerned with people knowing god's name. Yet they go with a name that is more widely accepted, though not correct? Since when did they care about being widely accepted? And if they were the true religion, wouldn't god make sure they knew what his correct name is?

  • Satanus

    The name jehovah is a catholic invention. It says that in the wt book aid to bible understanding. Why go w the pagan catholic creation??


  • homeschool

    Amen, Satanus. Amen.

  • Chalam

    Hello HS,

    Chalam, I absolutely realize they do not have the "truth", but I used to be very outspoken about that. I am trying again, using a more "open minded" approach, and when certain points are brought up....I can slip my little commentary in there.

    Cool ;)

    I just read the thread again. Of course you need the Holy Spirit! He knows it all and will let you know just the stuff you need to know exactly when you need to know it :) John 14:26 1 Corinthians 2:9-11

    Even better, He never gives you a headache, He makes it all easy to understand.

    All the best,


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