Here in Australia the company could not be called "Burger King" due to a small Burger shop in Adelaide owning the term "Burger King." So the Australian franchise owner named Jack suggested "Hungry Jacks." He owned the rights by contract. However, Burger King wanted a certain amount of stores open each year which could not be sustained in a country like Australia so....they began opening their OWN "Burger King" stores {as the name was now avalible} in opposition to Hungry Jacks! Went to Supreme Court and Burger King lost and had to close down or hand over these stores to "Hungry Jacks."
Sanders sold off his KFC franchise in America for 7 million in 1967 {he still ran Canada} He said their gravy tasted like "Wallpaper glue" and complained about cutting of corners and quility....he was sued by the corparation for "defamation."
Reminds of the Watchtower now cutting corners, closing's run like any other greedy back stabbing, American brotherly love here!