"Burger King" a greedy American corparation like the Watchtower gets sued in Australia!

by Witness 007 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Here in Australia the company could not be called "Burger King" due to a small Burger shop in Adelaide owning the term "Burger King." So the Australian franchise owner named Jack suggested "Hungry Jacks." He owned the rights by contract. However, Burger King wanted a certain amount of stores open each year which could not be sustained in a country like Australia so....they began opening their OWN "Burger King" stores {as the name was now avalible} in opposition to Hungry Jacks! Went to Supreme Court and Burger King lost and had to close down or hand over these stores to "Hungry Jacks."

    Sanders sold off his KFC franchise in America for 7 million in 1967 {he still ran Canada} He said their gravy tasted like "Wallpaper glue" and complained about cutting of corners and quility....he was sued by the corparation for "defamation."

    Reminds of the Watchtower now cutting corners, closing Bethels....it's run like any other greedy back stabbing, American Corparation....no brotherly love here!

  • reniaa

    lol witness 007

    I give you the prize for the most loose non-existant way to connect an unrelated example and apply it negatively to JWs.


  • AllTimeJeff

    007, good analogy!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Reniaa....yeah I agree, but worth a shot! Sanders KFC watered down Gravy represents the watered down blood doctrine Witnesses now have to peddle...get it?

  • AllTimeJeff

    I know, KFC gives you gravy, but leaves you strangly wanting more.....

    All businesses with vested interests in their own survival will use people to their own ends, religious, restaraunts, or otherwise. It's just in the DNA.

  • DaCheech

    all fast food joints are cutting corners.

    When I was young I frequented mcdonals and dunkin donuts.

    MC donalds stuff taste like cardboard

    and dunkin donuts donuts used to be big/tasty/fresh they are now dry/small/rock in the belly!

    I still go to wendy's and Burger King (diners, pizza joints, and chinese restaurants are a better deal anyway)

    stick to small food joints and stick with small banks for all that are concerned

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    KFC and Burger King only hire young Teenagers at $5 dollars an hour...they don't hire and fire older staff...Hello.....BETHEL?!?!

  • FlyingHighNow

    The WTBT Corp is a corporation and just as greedy and heartless as many big corporations that see human beings as statistics, rather than conscious people capable of great suffering.


    There`s no KFC in the Wilderness!!..I`ve looked!

    KFC Gravy tops off the whole meal..What is KFC Chicken,without KFC Gravy??!!

    Jesus would have loved KFC!!

    The WBT$ will never have KFC at Assemblys.....Because..The WBT$ is Anti-Christ!!

    The WBT$ hates KFC and Jesus!!


  • villabolo

    "All businesses with vested interests in their own survival will use people to their own ends, religious, restaraunts, or otherwise. It's just in the DNA."

    I totally agree and plenty of evidence has been given on other threads, Reniaa, to prove that the WTBTS is as soulless as the rest.

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