I know many that have to save all year just to attend the DC and they can't afford to go anywhere else. The children actually look forward to going to the DC because they get to go out on the town afterward. This is their only freakin' vacation!! They don't get to go to the beach, zoo, or anything else...Sheesh!!
Were going to the DC's your only vacation?
by Quirky1 8 Replies latest jw friends
Scarred for life
Not every year but many years, yes, the DC was our family vacation. But I can honestly say that I never looked forward to it. It never seemed like a vacation to me. I knew it was not like the vacations that my friends at school went on. And, yes, I was envious and felt cheated.
Yes it was for a long time. And it was'nt fun. Oh, we'd go shopping and eat out at night but it just was'nt the same as a real vacation.
Yep and to tell the truth by the time I was 12 the DC was in my town and still that was it.
I'm glad that the DCs were in our town because otherwise we wouldn't have been able to afford anything besides the trip to the DC. As it was, we always went away camping somewhere every year.
My husbands' Catholic family didn't ever go away, so I don't think it's just about the religion.
No, they weren't, but it was for a lot of people, LOL.
If it was all I'd have for a vacation I'd shoot myself dead.
Yes it was. We had to scrimp and save to make it. But thank goodness we didn't have to waste a nickle on that nasty old Christmas, like those poor worldly folks.
From what I experienced in the world, I cannot think of any vacation (or other) trip I would have given up for one of those wastefests. I have seen children that almost never get away from it all except for the Grand Boasting Session, and it is a drab experience--for sure, nothing like going to other attractions so one can have something else to remember.
But then again, that's what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants. If people know nothing else, they are going to be manipulated into being afraid of it, and they are going to be more likely to stay in the cancer.
The Almighty Homer
Not for myself but I'm sure in these times of economic uncertainty that it will be for many for a few years at least.
With the high cost of transportation, hotel and motel logging, food and of course new cloths for the event a lot of JWS are pissed off they have to travel
a fair distance, making the cost factor very burdensome. I know my immediate family feels this way and I'm sure there are many more.