Think back to kindergarten.

by John Doe 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Steve_C

    When I was 7 I got the 64 pack and some coloring books as a Christmas gift. Even though I was a born-in and our family didn't do the holidays, my mom would let us keep gifts that well-meaning "worldly" folks would give me and my sister. I have to credit my mom for not being fanatical in that regard.

    I remember liking the color "Cornflower" and thinking that the names "Raw Umber" and "Burnt Sienna" were pretty weird and cool. For me, "White" was useless.

    I was kind of anal about keeping my crayons nice. I dreaded sharing them, since I just knew the other kids would tear all the paper off or break them!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I loved kindergarden kissed my first boy then...teehheehee

    I was in first grade. A skinny platinum blond haired girl I always fought with ran up on the playground and gave me a peck on the cheek. You wouldn't believe how furious that made me. I wiped the slobber off on my shirt sleeve at least a dozen times.

  • cameo-d

    When I was at the store today there were some teachers/PTA assoc. conducting a drive for school supplies for needy kids.

    I thought about this thread. When I went in the store, there were no boxes of 64 crayons.

    So I bought a whole stack of the box of 24 and donated them.

    I especially thought of you Lisavegas.

    If a nice pack of crayons can put a smile on a kid's face for an hour and if the enjoyment of art can momentarily wipe away the attention to the misery of a sad life then that is what I wish for.

    But anyway, this thread made a difference in my making a contribution. And it made the difference in what I contributed.

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