Scribd and Apostates

by DT 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    Does anyone here use Scribd? It appears to be a pretty cool site. I like the way you can embed the documents into your own site or blog. I also like the way I can find better and deeper information in these online books and documents than I can often find in traditional websites.

    Do you think Scribd will become a major boon to apostates, kind of like Youtube? I think it has that potential. This might be a great place to post older Watchtower publications. Can anyone advise us on which publications have expired copyrights? If we got a lot of older Watchtower publication on Scribd it would be very easy to embed them on blogs, either as a collection or as a supplement to existing information. I bet a lot of Witnesses would download these publications on Scribd and would be very surprised at what they read.

    This could also be a good resource for apostates who would like to get some of their thoughts on line, but might not want to start a blog or website. They could just post as many or as few of their articles as they want on Scribd. If they let us know about it, some of the bloggers here might embed them on their own sites. I think it could be very useful. Are any of you as optimistic about this site as I am?

  • mrsjones5

    I like that site

    I was just thinking about it today

  • ablebodiedman
  • DT

    Thanks for your comments (two comments in two weeks, that's better than some of the threads I've started lol.) I enjoyed the newsletters from ablebodiedman.

    I tried uploading a document on Scribd It's just a large collection of links about Jehovah's Witnesses. It includes a lot of the new blogs that I have been following. Perhaps, some will find it useful for research. It can also be downloaded.

    Does anybody think it would be a good idea to upload old Watchtower publications that are now in the public domain?

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