MJ's kids to be raised by Katherine Jackson and possibly as JW's

by fern 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    By the way, someone should find someone that can come to court and make sure the Judge knows about the WT custody case publications should any JWs get involved in the custody case. He or She is gonna want to know that he'll/she'll be lied to as instructed in the booklet.

    This is the booklet, "Preparing for Child Custody Cases", instructions included in "Theocratic Warfare", how to coach the kids, all kinds of stuff. Really nasty stuff, but can be easily refuted by making sure the Judge knows about this booklet. The Elders passes these out to JWs in good standing in custody battle with a DAed or DFed former spouses.


  • Mary

    Where the hell is Debbie Rowe? Even though she handed her kids over to him years ago, you'd think that now he's gone, she'd want them back.

  • Yizuman

    Debbie Rowe is prolly consulting with Attorneys and such I can imagine. She got paid off by $8 million with an agreement she'd not seek custody. But now that he's dead, I'm sure that nullifies the contract. We'll see what happens.

    There is questions as to whether or not the kids are actually biologically his as Debbie made mention that Michael needs to come clean. She said they were conceived by artificial instemination while MJ claims it was natural. The second baby when she was born, she was snatched away seconds after she was born with her cord still attached. He had nannies for a while, but after they got a little older he fired them all. It's also said that Michael will not let anyone change them except he himself.

    So my notion is that the kids aren't biologically his as I have seen pictures of them and none of them remotely look anything like MJ. That would make things easier for MJ to molest the kids knowing they're not his flesh and blood.


  • WuzLovesDubs

    So....not only has this eunuch never HAD sex with a woman...even when he was married he didnt? He had a SPERM DONOR be the "father" of his kids to avoid them being even REMOTELY black because he despised himself that much?? Quincy Jones, I believe, said that Michaels house was filled with pictures of blonde blue eyed kids! WTF?

    I did hear that Debbie was very distraught and worried about her kids. My bet is that she will get custody. At least of the two whom she gave birth too and not Blanket...the one he dangled over the balcony.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The custody may very well come down to what may have been arranged or written in his Will, I'm sure with his kind of wealth

    there must have been an ongoing and ever changing Will being devised on a continuing basis..

  • iknowall558

    In the British newspapers today its being said that the kids may be split by the court. The kids themselves are said to share the view that their nanny Grace Rwaramba, is best placed to raise them. An insider said: "They desperately want Grace to look after them and hope to be allowed to give their opinions to the court."

    The eldest two will be allowed to have a say, but they could yet be placed with their grandfather Joe. All the children are currently being looked after by MJs parents Katherine and Joe. Last night their lawyer insisted that Michael wanted his mother to raise his kids if anything happened to him. "It was agreed that she can best provide a stable, loving environment for them."

    Other insiders claim the whole Jackson clan back this suggestion. Jacko's ex-wife Debbie Rowe, who gave birth to the eldest two, has a legal claim to them - but is thought unlikely to seek their custody.


    I asked Michael if I could have his stuff before he died.............He said Yes...............I get his kids too......I`m going to rent them out to a circus............................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When Michael married Presley's daughter she insisted the marriage was consumated so he wasn't a virgin after that.

    Wasn't Joe accused of sexually abusing one of his daughters? If so I doubt the kids will go to Michaels's mom if she is still living with Joe.

    There is always the possibilituy of them going to one of Michael's siblings. He has enough of them and they might be better able to keep the kids together rather than Rowe getting two and Blanket going somewhere else (this kid needs a real name)

  • steve2

    Yeah, but I thought it was only because his ex-wife was really business savvy and made his home or something like that into some sort of tourist thing... I'm not so sure that they would have made so much money if she didn't do that.

    That may be part of it, but the other part is the re-release of Elvis's back catalogue of recordings which have sold in the millions since his death. His estate receives royalties from these.

  • Mary
    The eldest two will be allowed to have a say, but they could yet be placed with their grandfather Joe. All the children are currently being looked after by MJs parents Katherine and Joe. Last night their lawyer insisted that Michael wanted his mother to raise his kids if anything happened to him. "It was agreed that she can best provide a stable, loving environment for them."

    Ya. Grandpa Jo could beat them just before grandma took them for hours of indoctrination at the Kingdumb Hell. I think Michael was proof enough that this was not a "stable" environment at all.

    I also have reservations as to whether Michael is even the biological father. I mean, come on----those kids do not look like they're even partly black. Even though Debbie Rowe was blonde, (I'll give Michael the benefit here and assume he wasn't bleaching his skin), Michael would still have the DNA of a black guy and those kids should be A LOT darker than what they are. Halle Barrie's parents are black and white and look how dark she still is.

    If Michael's not the biological father, I think his family would have a much harder time getting custody than what Debbie Rowe would.

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