The No Subscription StopGap

by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    If subscriptions really are due to end in the U.S., I can see
    certain advantages for the Society:

    1) they're having trouble getting more slave labor for Bethel
    service these days. You don't have to pioneer and you only
    need to be baptized for six months. Dumping subscriptions
    saves manpower.

    2) Dumping subs saves a lot of money (the biggest motivation)

    3) Delivering magazines creates "busy work" for publishers
    who have little else to do, filling hours in field service.
    It also pumps up statistics for return visits and magazine

    On the other hand,

    1) it may cause a large decrease in the number of issues
    distributed. Many people don't want to be bothered every
    week - and most won't be found at home to accept delivery
    anymore than any typical door to door effort.

    2) the "ministry" may become even more unproductive as deliveries
    go mostly to old, lonely people who don't wish to convert -
    but do want someone to visit them.

    3) Such deliveries may put the Society into a position where
    they are losing the spread of their message without giving
    them any freedom to express their intolerance outside of
    public view. If they lie or make stupid remarks about women
    gays, and the rest of the human race, it will still get them
    in trouble - thanks to the internet!

    It's a stop gap at best - and more likely than not, is a symptom
    of the Watchtower's continuing death spiral - they cut and decline,
    so they must cut more - and decline, so.....


  • ricoananas

    Maybe also a large reason for dumping subs comes from the current debacles of Hiding Abuse and WT hypocrisy re the UN being made public. The magazines are really a printed record of WT's decades-long trail of lies, false prophecies, doublespeak, hypocrisy, psychological and spiritual abuse, you name it. Rather than own up to it all and gain some respect, they dump the subs, because they can't stop their perverted course. So sub-dumping fits right into their all-too-familiar pattern of Deceit! They know something's coming for them, and all they can do is weasel this way or that.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Wait a minute, what's going on? They are dumping the subscriptions?

    Are they crazy? So the only way that non-witnesses are going to get the mags are from the rank and file?

    Oh sweet Jesus that's stupid.

    Slipnslidemaster: MerryChristmas!

  • RunningMan

    Yes, indeed, it sounds stupid. But, it does save a lot of money.
    Consider the price of bulk postage (26c in Canada) compared to
    the value of the mags (5c?).

    In Canada, the no sub policy has been in place for several years.
    You may also be surprised at just how few subs are actually in place,
    other than for JW's themselves. When I was a ministerial servant,
    we got a list of all sub holders in our territory. There were only 12.
    This is in a territory with a population of around 25,000 and a cong
    of 70.

  • Satanus

    What about the great gobs of frozen truth water that is supposed to flatten all us opposers and the general population soon? What about those apocalyptic scorpions that are supposed to torment gnashing toothed opposers. It's getting harder to recieve any torment anymore. I think a wheel just fell off jehovahs speeding chariot.


  • AvailableLight

    Difficult to tell what the impact of this will really be. One question that has been in my mind regarding the issue is whether there is a significant number of unbelievers that actually have subscriptions anyway.

    I have always held the opinion that the vast majority of subscriptions were held by witnesses.

  • LDH

    What I'd be really interested in, is how many of each issue will be printed when the subscriptions stop.

    I bet you anything it doesn't go down more than 4-5%. That's because mostly the Dubs are getting them, and they're collecting dust.

    The 'magazine route' suggestion was a joke, and clearly an effort to try to get bible students, er, converts.

    I wonder that the main motivation is to try and keep maggies out of the hands of us 'apostates.' So we'll be forced to put up fronts to go to the KH and pick up our maggies, where we'll be clearly identified as 'suspicious.'

    I'd die before I'd go in another KH.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    SaintSatan and Ricoananas:

    Nice posts! You guys cracked me up!

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I am wondering what percentage of this decision is financially motivated, what percentage is security motivated and finally, what percentage is motivated by damage control?

    Perhaps, the pie could be sliced this way; 60% finacial followed by 25% damage control (media/legal problems) and then finally 15% security (keeping the paper trail a privileged commodity).

    It will be interesting to see how it is effected and adopted by rank and file witnesses. Perhaps, many will be relieved and excited just to have a fresh "change" from the mundane routine.

    I am happy for those who are tired and fatigued from service. I am happy for many young people who can now look to education instead of a Bethel career.

    Carry On!

  • NameWithheld

    "I think a wheel just fell off jehovahs speeding chariot"

    Ha ha hahaahahaa! ROTFLMAO! I almost spewed tea when I read this!

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