Why did the partakers increase for 2006??

by 1914BS 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 1914BS

    The may 1st 2007 watchtower magazine says that anyone can partake

    The Witnesses did not know of that upcoming doctrine change so why did the partaker numbers increase in 2006?

    Was there any BOE letters that stated that everyone who partakes should be counted?? Was there any directives from COs?. There is no damn way that this sudden increase was of a divine nature. So anyone got the inside scoop?

  • dinah

    They re-opened the annointed class for new members. It seems many of those poor folks who weren't supposed to die before the End, died. Go figure.

  • 1914BS

    but what explains the increase in partakers for 2006? The dubs did not know the doctrine change yet

  • Quandry

    Wasn't there something in the past WT mags that said that the slowly decreasing of the number of annointed was a sign of the true religion?

    I have shredded all my WT publications but I think I remember this. I certainly remember people saying this in years past. I wonder how they feel now.

    I remember reading about a talk given by Fred Franz many years ago explaining that any new ones who said they were of the annointed were REPLACEMENTS. All these new ones can't be considered as such.

    What will they do if the figure eventually reaches 144,000?

  • 1914BS
    Wasn't there something in the past WT mags that said that the slowly decreasing of the number of annointed was a sign of the true religion?

    THe very opposite is happening now. The anointed are increasing and the great crowd are decreasing

  • 1914BS

    So why did the 2006 partakers increase after 25 years of flat- line numbers?

  • jwfacts

    Very interesting question. It seems that the increase in partakers forced a change in doctrine, rather than the other way around.

    One thing I have come to realise is that a heavenly resurrection is a more attractive belief than an earthly one. Fpr a JW if the end is not about to come any time soon it means at death you are gone and just rotting in a grave. Whereas if you believe you are going to heaven you get to never be non-existent but go straight to heaven.

    Another point is that being of the anointed holds a title of prestige. It is interesting that recent articles state that being of the anointed is not to be taken as being of more import. It is as if the GB are trying to stop people choosing to be so for reasons of title.

    Watchtower 2009 June 15 Page 23 : "However, Christians who have truly received this anointing do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special insights beyond what even some experienced members of the "great crowd" may have."

    I have an article on the increasing memorial numbers at http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/memorial-partakers.php

  • PSacramento

    Another questin that stems from this thread, if Paul says that Jesus told us to partake of the "body and blood of Christ" till the day he comes, IF he came in 1914, shouldn't JW's stop the memorial celebration?

  • undercover
    if Paul says that Jesus told us to partake of the "body and blood of Christ" till the day he comes, IF he came in 1914, shouldn't JW's stop the memorial celebration?

    Jesus is multi-orgasmic....he comes more than once.

    He came in 1914, he'll come again when Armageddon starts...

    Jesus gets off on power and war...

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