Elijah The Third , new face.

by ElijahTheThird 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • IslandWoman

    Why do you call yourself Elijah the Third, specifically what does the "Third" refer to?


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Welcome to the board Elijah.
    Where you live in the sound what the % of rainy days?

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • ElijahTheThird

    Thanks for the Welcome Saint Satan. (I am kinda partial to the Saints. *chuckles*) Enjoy the fresh clear cool water. Never is there any added chemicals to it. Yes the Elijah story is interesting to say the least. Sirach 48 adds a bit more to what is known.

    MUSTANG; Looks like a North American P-51 D I think? Great war plane, and I would love to fly one for a couple hours. *BIG SMILES* Thanks for the Welcome.

    Island Woman; Nice name, and as to your question, well, here is your answer.

    "The Third" is a reminder to any that keep re-searching for truth. It was after the death of John (baptizer) that Jesus told his followers that they are to expect another that would RESTORE ALL THINGS. John didnt do that. He was already dead. Jesus spoke with Elijah and Moses on the mount just before his arrest and murder. Yet Jesus said that John was the Elijah to come. THEN added that "indeed elijah is comming, and will restore all things". There are other prophesy's that John never fulfilled that the next Elijah would. Yes, there is more to this, but if you check it out you should see what I mean. Many false prophets are come, but never the less, ONE of those that come will be the real one that is gifted with the power and spirit like Elijah's. What do you think?

    D wiltshire; Thanks for the Welcome, and I am aboard the boat in the Tacoma area on the north side of Commencement Bay. Rain? What rain? *chuckles* ohhh about 60% of the time I would say.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Greetings Amicus Novo :

    After 20 translations, endless research, multiple conversions and education, I have several questions I would like to ask you.

    1. Please indicate your (2) most preferred translations!

    2. Are you completely fluent in any other languages?

    3. Are you associated with any demoniation as an active member?

    4. What is your secular educational background?

    5. Do you engage in any form of public ministry?

    6. Do you solicit / collect contributions or donations for services?

    7. Do you conduct religious meetings?

    8. What is your viewpoint of military service?

    9. Do you believe in evolution or young earth creationism?

    I hope you are not burdened or offended by these interrogatories, but, before engaging in serious discussions that actually lead to positive interchange, it's important to establish criteria and capacity for reasoning and intelligence.

    I trust you understand. Also, If necessary, I would reciprocate, as I already have on this forum in the past. Thank you and welcome again!

  • radar


    Have you been drinking the sea?
    Maybe you have been drifting on that boat too long.


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • mustang

    Yep, it's a 'D' model; but that is NOT what my screen name is
    about. That is an interesting commentary; take a guess or 2 & I'll tell ya.

    BTW, I 'inherited' the complete ORIGINAL drawings for a P-51.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Elijah3,

    There are other prophesy's that John never fulfilled that the next Elijah would.
    Am I correct in understanding that you claim to be here in fulfillment of bible prophecy?

    Good thing you're not delusional!

    I'll pass on that "water," thank you very much.

  • IslandWoman

    "ONE of those that come will be the real one that is gifted with the power and spirit like Elijah's. What do you think?"


    Thanks for answering my question. As for what I think, I think that when Elijah, by God's Spirit, "restores all things" then we will know who he is but not before.


  • unclebruce

    Aw shucks .. I thought this was my old spa mate carmel, mtzion, elijah the turd .. nevermind, i'll catch up with ol' eskimo man one day.

    Welcome ElijahIII

    Sounds like you're a character and a half. Still running from Jezebaals and seeking God in the windstorm?

    unclebruce, passing water to Nathan ;)

  • ElijahTheThird

    UncleBruce; Thanks for the welcome. As for my charector, or my being one, yes, thank you. *grins* The Jeze's run from me now, and God knows I am not too tollerant of wind storms on this "high rise" boat. *laffs*
    Mr. Natas may prefer the "shine" made in upper state New York at a certain farm. No, not my "claim" there Nathan, as Island Woman said, and I agree to an extent, yet there are other things that one is to do. Some of those will show who that one is long before all things are restored I think.
    MUSTANG; Would you just quit horseing around? *winks* Let me guess, the H model drawings?
    RADAR; be nice and I may help you find your missing Teddy Bear. *grins* Sea water yes, but only after it goes through the desalinator. As I am not in any hurry to get anywhere, I do ride the tides and currents most of the time and conserve on fuel that way.
    1. Please indicate your (2) most preferred translations!
    Well, pick any 2 protestant versions you want that containe the Apocrypha and Deuterocanonicals, the Catholic St. Josephs Student edition, I have a replica of the 1611 first edition and the side notes and references are invaluable. That I know of the NRSV w/Apocrypha and Deuterocanonicals is the only one with a complete concordance.
    2. Are you completely fluent in any other languages?
    NO. Americaneese of the Pacific Northwest dialect is my only fluent language. Unless you include "body language".
    3. Are you associated with any demoniation as an active member?
    4. What is your secular educational background?
    17 schools in 11 years 9th year was the highest graduated. *grins*
    5. Do you engage in any form of public ministry?
    Other than publishing on the web, no, I don't think so.
    6. Do you solicit / collect contributions or donations for services?
    7. Do you conduct religious meetings?
    8. What is your viewpoint of military service?
    For this country I honored its request for service and then some. Then quit while in a war zone to persue the Calling.
    9. Do you believe in evolution or young earth creationism?
    What I know of the sciences says that mathmaticaly for the time needed to "evolve"; we had to be "seeded" here.

    ,,, wheeeewwww, reaches for another glass of wine. "nods a thank you as it is filled", there are a couple other "cackle berry's" still in this thread in my initial post. The destiny of mankind is of the greatest importance to me. As we are the only inteligent life that was created with ALL of our Creators "attributes"; we are an incredible species. Deception breeds confusion, and confusion breeds insanity, it's only a test,,,,,,,,,, your HEART is your judge.

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