Thinking about joining a youth group...

by Strider Arekksu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers
    Everytime I go to like a graduation party or something, it's just dancing and talking, no games, no way to get to know people really. I just sit there and stuff myself to look like I'm busy eating and not actually a loser who no one will really talk to.

    That's just so sad. I don't think most worldly people are like that. When my stepson still lived at home, he and all of his friends would come to our parties. There was always a lot of teasing and carrying on. We used to make fun of each generation's music. Come to think of it, his friends were here all of the time.

    The group you're getting involved with is a good idea, but be careful that they don't try to force their ideas on you.

  • sir82

    When I was an awkward teen, and then an awkward young adult, an older "cool kid" would have a bunch of other kids over to study the Watchtower every Wednesday evening. This was about from the time I was 18 or so until maybe age 24 - the guy was 5 or 6 years older. After the 1-hour study we'd order pizza, drink beer (in moderation of course ), watch TV, play pool, etc.)

    For a nerdy JW kid with few social skills it was awesome! Having something to look froward to with other JW kids, even (gasp!) real girls, was the highlight of my week. It served to reinforce "the truth" in me, making me more enthusiastic for "spiritual" activities. Shortly after I stopped attending that WT study (moved away) I was appointed MS & 4 years later elder.

    That was more years ago than I care to admit. Of course, nowadays, such an arrangement would quickly be squelched by virtually every elder body in the universe. Too dangerous, maybe someone will voice an "independent" opinion or ask a question that can't be easily answered, and there'd be no "spirit-appointed" elder there to control the situation.

    And the result today of actively discouraging organized activities, spiritual or otherwise, among kids? The rampant apathy among the 33% who don't leave the org. by age 21.

    And the funniest part of it all is the WTS has no clue why the kids leave! Or else they don't care. 'Cause certainly nothing ever changes.

  • Gayle

    The Governing Body of JWs are so afraid of "independent" thinking. Youth would be more prone to come up with questions not easily satisfied by JW programing. Even (and especially) at Bethel, individual groups to study are not allowed any more. The GB are so afraid of "apostasy (against them)".

  • Chalam

    Hi Strider,

    I think this would help me get good Bible study habits and be around young people who actually want to be better people by using Jesus as their example.

    Sounds cool to me :)

    The Governing Body of JWs are so afraid of "independent" thinking.

    For sure! If you read the Bible independently of the WT "teaching" and listen to the teaching of the Holy Spirit you will come up a totally different conclusion.

    So, do you homework, have a read yourself first and foremost.

    All the best,


  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    Wow... Thanks everyone. I'm really am looking forward to this. I'll be careful not to let otehrs press their views on me too much while I'm there as well. Hmmm... I think that the WTS is just all out of wack, I always got the feeling that they wanted control when they tell you to do research you just use THEIR stuff. Technically that's not research, it's just looking up their answer, to me research involves looking up and anaylizing facts until you find one that is accurate.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    • Strider, "accurate" and "truth" are 2 weasel words. they mean different things to different people, depending on their standards. If we are really Jehovah's Witnesses, we will have Jehovah's backing by using his standards: Word (the Bible) and the direction from his Organization to decide what "accurate" and "truth" should be.

    • If you don't like cliques and doing your Family Worship night alone, why not mention these concerns to an elder you respect. Perhaps he'd help you so that you can find a better way, one that would actually regain your spiritual focus and make Jehovah's heart rejoice. After all, there's the narrow way and the broad. So, we each must choose carefully. There are everlasting consequences. Life or death. It can't be both.
    — Spike Tassel.

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