Latest CO Service talk: “How much do you appreciate Jehovah’s provision of the Faithful Slave”

by LUKEWARM 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    (1) "How much do you appreciate Jehovah's provision of the Faithful Slave"

    Sounds like a pathetic appeal to authority. The NWT says this, these old guys call themselves this, they say they are, so they must be. Everyone must appreciate them because they say they are to be appreciated.

    Hey, it's easier to demand respect than earn respect. They can't heal, resurrect, walk on water, prophecy, or magically produce lunch. But they can call themselves by an obscure phrase that Jesus said... just once. There's your authority.

    B the X

  • passwordprotected

    The only way to attain the gift of everlasting life is only by means of the "faithful slave." Humanity must accept these "trees of life"

    I thought Jesus was the way, the truth and the life.

  • truthlover

    While listening to the baptismal talk sunday morning, the brother mentioned" Brace up your mind to activity" and in the same breath," Listen to Jehovah, Jesus and the FDS"... He also said" you notice that in the last few months there has been a lot of emphasis put on the FDS in the mags - recognize they are being guided by the Holy Spirit, so use your sense of hearing wisely, listen and OBEY" -This was after saying that the devil walks about like a roaring lion...

    And: has the second question in the baptismal talk changed again? What I heard was "Dedicate and baptize yourself as a Jehovahs Witness in association with God's spirit directed organization?" Nothing mentioned in the second question about Jehovah, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Maybe I just never noticed before.. can someone enlighten me please?

  • DaCheech

    they need allegiance, without it they have no power.

    in other words it is not importants to serve jehovah, but to serve jehovah's "b"org.

  • donny

    What I find amusing is the Society goes through great lengths to show how Babylonish the Catholic Church is, and yet they model themselves in a virtually identical manner after them. They believe in progressive revelation just like the Cathlolics except it comes through "the Slave" instead of the pope. It's fun to watch them condemn Catholics for exalting the pope and saying it's creature wroship, when they themselves exalt "the Slave" and then try to tap dance around the "it's honoring, not woshipping" argument.


  • BabaYaga
    Truthlover said: ...He also said" you notice that in the last few months there has been a lot of emphasis put on the FDS in the mags - recognize they are being guided by the Holy Spirit, so use your sense of hearing wisely, listen and OBEY"

    This seriously gives me the chills.

  • passwordprotected

    Truthlover said: ...He also said" you notice that in the last few months there has been a lot of emphasis put on the FDS in the mags - recognize they are being guided by the Holy Spirit, so use your sense of hearing wisely, listen and OBEY"

    This is the sort of crap that wakes people up, thankfully.

  • DaCheech

    how dare they always attack the pope!

    asking to pull the straw when they have a log in their eyes!


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    "After explaining the three categories of trees the CO then explained that "trees of life" exist in our day. Guess who symbolically represent those "trees of life"? Yes, you guessed correctly - The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses who represent the "faithful and discreet slave" class."

    Geez, where is this idolatry going to end. THE GOVERNING BODY IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE~

    It's the cult of the "faithful and discreet slave".

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