Do You Ever Worry About the Food You Eat?

by sammielee24 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    I always like a good documentary so I'll probably catch this one when it comes out...sammieswife.

    New film exposes unsavoury side of US food industry

    For millions of Americans, a trip to the cinema involves loading up on popcorn and supersized drinks before the show.

    By Leonard Doyle in Washington
    Published: 7:05PM BST 14 Jun 2009

    Film claims chemicals make chickens grow to maturity twice as quickly as they would naturally Photo: EPA

    But when the much-anticipated documentary Food, Inc. opens this week, many may find themselves unable to finish their snacks as the film exposes some unsavoury realities about how food reaches the dinner table.

    "There are no seasons in the American supermarket", a voice intones in the opening scene as a camera swept past supermarket shelves groaning with plump-breasted chickens, perfect cuts of meat and bountiful fruit, vegetables and grains.

    Major food producers would not agree to be interviewed for the movie and they tried to ban the filmmakers from their stock yards, pig farms and chicken barns.

    But the producers fought off law suits, grabbing headlines and impressive reviews as they aim to do for the food industry what former Vice President Al Gore's controversial documentary An Inconvenient Truth did for debate about climate change.

    The documentary was produced by the same company that made An Inconvenient Truth, which was widely criticised by global warming sceptics for its apocalyptic approach. Indeed, Food, Inc. has already been dismissed as one-sided propaganda by the food industry.

    The documentary claims cows are fattened up on heavily subsidised corn, even though they cannot digest the grain properly and their guts become breeding grounds for deadly E. coli strains as a result.

    It also says chickens with oversized breasts are grown to maturity and are ready to be slaughtered twice as quickly as they would be naturally, thanks to chemicals in their feed.

    There is also stomach-churning footage of conveyer belts packed with little yellow chicks being pushed around like mechanical parts; a cow, barely alive, being dragged around by a forklift; and herds of squealing pigs being forced onto a factory "kill floor".

    Celebrities have lined up to endorse the film. Alice Waters, the founder of Chez Panisse in California who is credited with revolutionising American cooking in the 1970s and '80s is a champion. So is Martha Stewart who has been tweeting about the film: "See the film then tell me organic is too expensive for you and your family. It is so upsetting that good food is hard to find."

    Knowing they would be cast as the villains of the documentary, food corporations refused to co-operate with the producers. To counter what it says is "a one-sided, biased film" that "demonises" American farmers and a system that feeds more than 300 million people, the agri-giant Monsanto is fighting back with its own Web page.

    Food Inc is being released as America is finally starting to wake up to the public health crisis fuelled by its eating habits and food industry.

    Organic food stores are booming in affluent urban neighbourhoods and even some mainstream supermarkets are responding to demands for healthier food – most notably, Wal-Mart recently began carrying organic options and stopped selling milk containing growth hormone. But America remains far behind Europe in terms of regulation of the food industry and consumer demand for organic produce.

    In the film, the best-selling food writer Michael Pollan says: "The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000. You go into the supermarket and you see pictures of farmers, the picket fence and the 1930s farmhouse. The reality is, it's not a farm, it's a factory. That meat is being processed by huge multinational corporations that have very little to do with ranches and farmers."

    The movie's director Robert Kenner compares the state of American food production to the current financial crisis. "Stupid high risk decisions brought the financial system low," he told The Daily Telegraph. "Our food system is unrecognisable from 40 years ago and it could fall off a cliff for the same reasons – unregulated greed and excessive risk-taking."

    The film addresses the country's epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Among young Americans born after 2000, one in three will contract early onset diabetes. For blacks, Hispanics and American Indians a staggering one in every two will contract the disease.

    Eric Schlosser, the author of Fast Food Nation one of the driving forces behind the movie, said: "There is this deliberate veil, this curtain that's drawn between us and where our food is coming from.

    "The industry doesn't want you to know the truth about what you're eating because if you knew, you might not want to eat it. We've never had food companies this big and this powerful in our history."

  • oompa

    i grow what i can....and want some free range chickens and goats........oompa

  • art

    This takes me back a bit.

    I worked in a butter factory years ago, part of my job was putting diesel in the butter.

    The word around the factory was, if it kills people quickly it is no good, but if it kills people slowly thats OK,

    because it's to hard to prove in a court of law.

  • White Dove
  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    The industry doesn't want you to know the truth about what you're eating because if you knew, you might not want to eat it.


  • PrimateDave

    Yes, I do think about the food I eat. I've seen documentaries and read books about our modern food system. On one hand, it is truly a wonder of modern technology and social organization that so many can be feed so well and safely on a scale never before imagined or possible in human history. On the other hand, the so-called "green revolution" of the last century committed humanity to an industrialized form of agriculture based on then abundant fossil fuel energy and huge inputs of petrochemical derived pesticides and natural gas derived fertilizers. It is a for-profit system that ignores ecological damage and the eventual depletion of finite resources.

    On a more personal level, I'm concerned about limiting my intake of highly refined food products and increasing my consumption of whole, plant-based foods. I try to eat as little animal derived food as possible. I'm not a fanatic about it either. If I really, really want some fried chicken, I'll eat some. Then again, I might look for a meat substitute product based on soy and wheat gluten. Sure, it's a manufactured and refined plant food, but at least it doesn't come from a sick animal loaded with hormones and antibiotics.

    I've learned that it is difficult to change life long eating habits, even with all the research I've done and the information that is available to me.


  • FlyingHighNow

    If we think too much about things beyond our control, we might starve to death.

  • FlyingHighNow

    One huge problem is that organic foods are not always what they claim to be and the prices are prohibitive for many family budgets.

  • Leolaia
    I worked in a butter factory years ago, part of my job was putting diesel in the butter.

    The inner Church Lady intoned in my mind, "Well, Isn't that special?!?!" when I read that. Bleachh....

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If there was a good economic reason for putting diesel in butter, I am sure I would have heard of it.

    I haven't.

    So, what is it?

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