Oh No!! A List of Things Which Were Banned Or...

by Celtic 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek
    And to prove it, the purple tv belly carried a purse (tinky winky just calls it his bag) and the antenna on his head was supposedly a homosexual symbol of some kind.

    I believe Jerry Falwell started the anti-Tinky-Winky campaign on the basis that he had a purple triangle (a symbol of homosexuality) and carried a handbag. Of course we all know that a pink triangle was the symbol used by the Nazis for homosexuality. The purple triangle was the symbol for Jehovah's Witnesses. So obviously, it's not a handbag he's carrying but a bookbag!

    "The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion." - Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason, 1794.

  • Englishman

    And this fella was very, very bad:


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    LOL - toooooooo funny

  • FriendlyFellaAL


    The story you related about JW's not purchasing specific pet food products as they might be contaminated with animal blood provided me with a funny flashback.

    I remember years ago my brother sneaking into the kitchen pantry and snagging a couple of packs of Tender Vittles. You guys remember this cat food, don't you? It came in little packets that supposedly kept the vittles tender, hence the name. LOL!

    My brother crept outside with those packets and hid himself away in the shed and began to eat them until he had downed at least three packets. I remember my Mom finding him and screaming because she was worried that her poor baby had consumed some blood products! Sheesh! It was weeks before she stopped worrying about that. She even went to the elders, as we know all good Witnesses do. :-)

    Thanks for the memory, Scully!


  • Celtic

    Excuse me Brothers Warm, Cold and Lukewarm but my son ate 3 packets of cat food .... too funny!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    oh my gawd - dating - no dating without a chaperone - and only if you meant to marry the guy - like how would you know that unless you got together with him sometime

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Some of you must be from Lower Slobovia, I've never heard of more than half this stuff.

  • Prisca

    Pork Chop,

    I'm from Australia, and all the things the others have mentioned were considered no-nos here as well.

  • Sirona

    Hi Celtic

    No Yoga!!! even if you didnt do the meditation bit, cos its connected to false religion. However, if you wanted to you could stretch and touch your toes to excersize...which is actually yoga...?

    No saying cheers, or happy new year. That was such a downer on new year when we had a party anyway but just didnt say those things.

    No body piercing or tatoos. No windchimes. No pink icing on cakes cos of the concineal food colouring (crushed beetles which obviously contains their 'blood')

    oh how happy I am to be free!


    ** http://www.religioustolerance.org **

  • Pubsinger

    No intercongregational 5-a-side football. Ha! we did it all the time it was great fun. Huddersfield East was top of the tree in the early '80s!

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