Have you become too cynical? How did you overcome it?

by YoursChelbie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoursChelbie

    Many ex jws have lost the companioniship and love of the most important people in their life due to shunning--

    like their parents, spouse, and their childhood friends.

    Shunned ex-jws eventually go out in the real world and start a new social life.

    Do you think that these exjws have become cynical and even numb to the possibility that they can have

    a lasting, meaningful relationship with true friends, or perhaps even a significant other?

    If you were shunned and lost the love of everyone you thought would always be a part of your life,

    how did you overcome the feelings of doubt that someone really can love you unconditionally?


  • shamus100

    Time did it for me, yourschlbie. It's a difficult learning process.

    How are you doing?

  • YoursChelbie

    Hi shamus, Thanks for asking.

    I haven't been to KH in about 6 1/2 years after having been in the religion for about 15 years. I lost pretty much everyone I ever knew.

    I'm still in the process of rebuilding,

    and the fact that I moved to a new place where I don't know anybody makes it more of a challenge.

    You guys are my new family

    I hope to make the time to join some local parenting groups,

    but after getting home from work, all I look for is the sofa to get some rest.

  • shamus100


    I think it's so important to have friends that do the same things you do - hobbies, sports activities, etc. It's positively amazing how fast and easy it is to make friends this way. Your parenting group sounds like a great start!

    Take one day at a time, and always remember that socially everyone has highs and lows. You may just have a low now, but just wait. Life is good.

  • Gregor

    Why would I want to overcome it? I'm still perfecting it.

  • shamus100


    The dead has arisen! I thought you weren't coming here anymore. I see you're back like a dog returning to it's vomit. I'm in the same club.

  • jamiebowers

    Cynical, no. Realistic, yes! The world is such a big place, and there are plenty of lovely people in it. If you're too tired to go out during the weeknights, try joining something that meets on the weekends. Getting to know your neighbors is a good idea too. Are you anywhere near NE Ohio? I'm always up for company. During the holidays and summertime, this place is like Grand Central Station, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

  • YoursChelbie

    < Are you anywhere near NE Ohio? I'm always up for company. >

    Hi jamiebowers, I'm not near Ohio, unfortunately,

    I'm a bit ways north of the Dallas area. If your area is like Grand Central Station, then you never have a dull moment.

    You are right I will look for stuff to do on the weekends, the new church that opened sent me a post card in the mail, maybe I'll go

    check it out.

  • Gregor


    The dead has arisen! I thought you weren't coming here anymore. I see you're back like a dog returning to it's vomit. I'm in the same club.

    After the bad winter, I had to ride up into the back country, fix some fences and round up strays for a few weeks. I said I would see y'all around the campfire again! Pass that bottle over here once in awhile!

    But I am not TOO cynical... just about right.

  • jamiebowers
    I'm a bit ways north of the Dallas area.

    Check out the Apostafest section here. I know of a few exjws in TX. Sorry, my geography isn't good. Are you near Austin?

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