Does God Hold You Responsible?

by Undecided 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adonai438

    God hold's you responsible for yourself and your actions. Your faith. Not other peoples actions. There is proof God exists. The proof in the Word of God--The Bible-- is there and if you choose to believe the proof you go from there--read and study the Bible and find out what it says and find out who God is. If you decide to believe what the Bibles teaches then not only did I personally have a tremendous change in my life but millions of other people have as well. They Love God-- out of that love for God and love for other people they want to share the awesome news--
    Who here if they won the lottery would keep it a secret? Especially if you were told that as many friends as you wanted could win it with you if you just told them?
    Why does God allow pain and suffering?
    Because we people mess things up. We are stupid sometimes and hurt people or are stupid all the time and do worse than that. We all have free will. God will judge all those causing the pain and suffering and will wipe it out-- remember to read the end of the story-- it's actually very uplifting :) God does help the suffering and hurting now too-- it's just not enough of an instant fix for the problem as we'd like it to be.
    Take heart, God is bigger and better than the Watchtower ever let us believe!

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