Ocular Migraines: Anyone Have Them?

by White Dove 12 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Ooooo, the sparkley colors! I just found out that I have migraine auras without the headache and what they are. It's pretty but irritating trying to read and watch TV. I don't know what triggers them. Anyone have them?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Be very glad you don't get the pain. I had them when I lived in West Texas for three to four days per month. I didn't see the auras, just got the throbbing pain. I hope you never get the pain. Mine cleared up when I moved back east and had my second baby.

  • HintOfLime

    From age 19 until 28, I experienced terrible migraines with the auras 2-3 times per week. The worst part was, they came in pairs - if I had a migraine on the right side of my head one day, I knew I was doomed to a left-side migraine the next day. I could usually feel them comming on when I woke up, and by noon I'd close the door to my office and just.. zone out. Around 6-9 pm they would end.

    Never knew for sure what caused them.

    - Lime

  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    I got migraines when I lived in Texas too. It was the summer storms , they would start in the morning & build all day with the thunder clouds. If it rained they would go away, if the storm passed north or south of DFW I'd suffer all night. I'd get the auras just before the tunnel vision and thowing up started. Once we were traveling up from Big Bend and drove just ahead of a super cell all day. I was so sick, but if we stopped and the storm caught up with us as soon as the drops fell, my headache would stop.We pushed ahead all day trying to keep in front of the hail & tornadoes. Never had them after we moved.


  • BurnTheShips

    Yes, I used to get those too. Apparently, a couple of sessions of Psylocybin Cubensis seems to have cured it. These particular tryptamines stimulate the vision areas of the brain a great deal, and I suspect that somehow this has led to a complete remission of the condition for me. It has been more than a year, and I remember getting the streaking and stars very regularly. They also appear to help those with OCD. Pharmas need to seriously study these indoles, they may have many medical applications if we can discard the taboos surrounding them.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds like for some of you, they are associated with atmoshperic pressure. I get horrible headaches usually when there is high pressure and bright sunlight. They are not accompanied by auras, though.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's been a number of years since the last one. For whatever reason when I was 28, they came on and I experianced them for about 10 years. Then nothing

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I've been getting them since about 12yo.

    I have never managed to pin down any triggers for them except, maybe, stress.

    They occasionally come with a headache and allways turn my brain into mush for the rest of the day.



  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Wife will react to chocolate or yellow cheese. Red wine will trigger as well

  • BurnTheShips
    Wife will react to chocolate or yellow cheese. Red wine will trigger as well

    Tyramine. It is present in high quantities in all those foods. Is she taking an MAOI? Does she have thyroid problems?


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