Kansas City DC

by stillajwexelder 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    By now you all know of the 5 release

    1) New Song book but through the congs Sept 1st

    2) New CD of all the new songs with vocals - also downloadable from Sept 14th

    3) New Brochure -the message of the Bible in Chronological Order - an overview and on very thin paper like a magazine not a brochure

    4) the new 220 page Rev Grand Cliam size book on the Acts of the Apostles but NOT verse by verse and not for the ministry

    5) New DVD on creation

    hOWEVER, THERE WAS TO ME A NEW THOUGHT. They kept saying Babylons waters are drying up but they do not need to completely dry up before Armageddon/Great Trib. Reason given was that in Ancient Babylon the waters did not completely dry up. Men were able to wade up stream into the city and the waters came up to the middle of the thighs. So Babylon the Greats waters do not need to completely dry up

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Do you think they've tried adding bells and whistles to the fall/destruction of Babylon the Great to cover up the fact that they no longer mention anything about the King of the North attacking, and nothing about the cry of "Peace and Security"?

    B the X

  • stillajwexelder

    I am not sure what they are up to. All I know is that for the last 4 years there has been 1 change after another. In my first 20 years in the truth there were hardly any changes.

  • stillajwexelder

    Also, at this DC I noticed other changes. In my lifetime, releases or announcements of releases were always made by a GB member or Bethelite or Branc etc.

    1) I was told Kansas City will no longer automatically get a member of the GB. There is now a GB assignment desk (I shit you not). This desk allocates the GB speaking assignments more fairly so all DCs get a share of GB speakers

    2) Only 1 release (The Acts of the Apostles book) was done by a Bethelite. All other releases or "announcements of releases" were done by other brothers - either DC committee or COs

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Same here. The sort of commentary on Acts was the only release made by a Bethelite.

    A few other thoughts that I had:

    1) It seems that the WT leadership is fully aware of the apathy among the rank & file (including or maybe especially the elders). They haven't a clue as to what to do to improve morale, but they know that folks are tiring of the end being "just around the corner". Of course, the response is 3 days worth of saying "its really, REALLY close".

    2) They think the family worship night is the key to fixing the apathy. However, I think they realize that the dubs are using this night just like a normal person would use it, to do normal, non-JW activities. The family worship night must have been mentioned several dozen times.

    Stilla - I caught the point about religion not completely drying up but I didn't really know where they were going with it. Religion is in decline among the educated world. So, why on earth would the UN destroy it? Not even discussing how improbable it would be for the UN to actually accomplish anything, but really it seems religion is doing a good enough job destroying itself.

    I glanced at the Acts book and did notice that Paul has gotten a promotion. As long as I can remember, it was said that Paul was the equilivent of a CO. Now, the book says that Paul was likely on the first century GB. Clearly, Paul didn't check in with anyone, so giving him a promotion makes sense. Paul was one of the most important influences in early Christianity and the NT is dominated by his writings.

    Also, that book mentions (I can't recall the page number right now) that the GB supplies the spiritual food. Not the FDS, the GB. I knew this was coming with some of the latest writings but now its clear.

    The weirdest thing was the playing of the new songs. When the new songbook was announced, they paid snippets of several songs with vocals. It sounded like one of those CD offers on TV. Also, at the end of that crazy drama, they had one of the new cheezy songs about kids (even though the organization leadership doesn't much care for children). I guess it was supposed to heap the guilt on parents that weren't able to keep their kids in the cult, but the result was a bunch of folks leaving for the restrooms!! I exchanged puzzled looks with several others and a few were on the verge of laughing. Not exactly the response they were looking for.

    Otherwise a fairly mind numbing experience. I need another drink.

  • stillajwexelder

    The family worship night must have been mentioned several dozen times.


  • stillajwexelder

    I know loads of elders used to say "It is always the same brothers who give talks at SPAD,CA,DC" I think morale is improving amongst elders by having 9 (or multi part with a demonstration on each part) part symposia and loads of new brothers being used. Has to help the elder morale a little

  • stillajwexelder

    The weirdest thing was the playing of the new songs. When the new songbook was announced, they played snippets of several songs with vocals. It sounded like one of those CD offers on TV. Also, at the end of that crazy drama, they had one of the new cheezy songs about kids (even though the organization leadership doesn't much care for children). I guess it was supposed to heap the guilt on parents that weren't able to keep their kids in the cult, but the result was a bunch of folks leaving for the restrooms!! I exchanged puzzled looks with several others and a few were on the verge of laughing. Not exactly the response they were looking for.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Oh yeah, one other thing that annoyed me:

    There was a part on Friday afternoon I think that one brother asks questions and the other answers it (sorry I don't remember the name of the part). Anyway, they talked about 1975 and while the organization still took no responsibility, the speaker said that even the apostles had wrong expections regarding dates. To back this up, he read Acts 1:6. Here's the text:

    6 When, now, they had assembled, they went asking him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”

    The problem here is that NO WHERE can you find writings or scriptures that indicate the apostles SET A DATE for the end!! Perhaps there's a missing book of the Bible where Peter gave his stirring "Stay alive until 55" speach? There is a huge difference between asking Jesus if he's going to restore the kingdom at this time and setting a date for Armageddon. I have no idea why they brought this up or why its so hard to just say, hey we were wrong and we're sorry about that. The lack of humility is maddening!!

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    One other observation. The Friday attendence was nearly 25% less than the Sat & Sun figures! I think that says volumes about the committment level. They also announced that next year's convention will be 3 days (God willing of course).

    I wonder how long it will be before the Friday is dropped? Obviously it must continue to be profitable for them or they would have tossed it a long time ago. I know they get some pretty sweet deals on various convention venues and that the cost to rent some of these arenas is offset by the promised revenue to the convention city in terms of business generated and the resulting tax revenue. Does anyone have any idea how that works?

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