Challenge #7 (The ALLOS-Paraclete-Spirit ACTS Like Jesus) ~ Narkissos / GS / JBeD / Serious JWs / FC

by 4examp 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 4examp

    Narkissos, In Challenge #2 you wrote:
    "I wouldn't push the distinction between allos and heteros too far;
    often the difference is stylistic rather than semantic.

    I would, because Scripture makes many powerful (often identical) comparisons of BOTH PARACLETES.

    Challenge #7:
    Do you agree that 50 (additional) words (also) unite to show that THE HOLY SPIRIT,
    IS "another" ALLOS-Paraclete-Person,
    that DOES the SAME things as JESUS

    {{The 1st 10 words prove The Paraclete-Spirit IS LIKE Jesus. See Challenge #6.}}

    11Abides/Dwells/Remains within, 12Adopts, 13Against (eis), 14Against (kata), 15Appoints, 16Arrives, 17Comforts, 18Declares, 19Dispatches, 20From Heaven, 21From Himself, 22Grants, 23Grants Ability, 24Glorifies Another, 25Grieves, 26Guides, 27Hears, 28Indicates, 29Known, 30Leads, 31Lied to, 32Loves, 33Performs, 34Permits, 35Pleads, 36Received, 37Receives, 38Remains, 39Reminds, 40Reproves, 41Resisted, 42Reveals, 43Revelation, 44Searches, 45Sends, 46Shares, 47Signifies, 48Snatches away, 49Speaks aptly, 50Speaks directly, 51Teaches, 52Tested, 53Thinks, 54Thrusts out, 55Wills, 56Witnesses, 57Witnesses Thoroughly, 58Bears Witnesses, 59Bears Witnesses With, 60Did many other things ~~ If not convinced, there's more....

  • 4examp

    50 English/Greek words conclusively prove...
    What is true of GOD THE SON (&/or God The Father) is also true of GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT.

    Everyone, please seriously reconsider things, if you cannot "SEE Him", because Scripture foresees you.
    ~~~ Jn.14:16 ~ THE SPIRIT THE TRUTH, which the world cannot receive, because it NEITHER SEES Him nor knows Him
    ~~~ Ac.28:25,26 ~ THE SPIRIT THE HOLY aptly spoke through Isaiah, saying,
    "By hearing you will hear but not understand; &, looking, you will look but NOT SEE"

    #11. Abides / Dwells / Remains within = MONEE (G3438) & MENO (G3306)
    JC ~ If anyone loves Me, he will observe My word, & My Father will love him, & WE shall come to him & make our MONEE with him (Jn.14:23)
    TF ~ & My Father will love him, & WE shall come to him & make our MONEE with him (Jn.14:23)
    HS ~ He will give you ANOTHER Helper to be METH you forever, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, You know Him, because He MENEI you & is in you (Jn.14:15-17)

    #12. Adopts = UIOTHESIA (G5209)
    JC ~ I shall not leave you ORPHANS (Jn.14:18)
    JC ~ To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons (Gal 4:5)
    TF ~ Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will (Eph 1:5)
    HS ~ you received a SPIRIT of ADOPTION (Rom.8:15)

    #13. Against = EIS (G1519)
    JC ~ everyone that says a word EIS The Son of Man, it will be forgiven him (Lk.12:10)
    HS ~ he that BLASPHEMES EIS THE HOLY SPIRIT it will not be forgiven (Lk.12:11)

    #14. Against = KATA (G2596)
    JC ~ whoever speaks a word KATA the SON of Man, it will be forgiven him (Mt.12:31)
    HS ~ whoever SPEAKS KATA THE SPIRIT THE HOLY, it will NOT BE FORGIVEN him, NO, NOT in this system of things NOR in that to come (Mt.12:32)
    {{What will The Holy Spirit say to those who say HE isn't a BEING - only a THING? - See word #71.}}

    #15. Appoints = ETHEEKA (G5087)
    TF ~ times or seasons which The Father has ETHEETO in His own jurisdiction (Ac.1:7)
    JC ~ I chose you & I ETHEEKA you to go (Jn.15:16)
    HS ~ Pay attention to yourselves & to all the flock, among which THE SPIRIT THE HOLY has ETHEETO you overseers (Ac.20:28)

    #16. Arrives = (erkomai) ELTHO (G2064)
    JC ~ Messiah is coming, who is called Christ. Whenever THAT ONE ELTHE He will declare all things to us openly (Jn.4:25)
    HS ~ when THAT ONE ELTHE, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, He will GUIDE you into all the truth (Jn.16:13)

    #17. Comforts = PARAKLEESIS (G3874)
    TF ~ the Father of tender mercies & the God of all PARAKLEESEOS (2Cor.1:3)
    JC ~ there is PARAKLEESIS in Christ (Jn.14:18)
    HS ~ the CONGREGATION... entered into a period of peace, being built up: & as it walked in the ...PARAKLEESIE of THE HOLY SPIRIT (Ac.9:31)

    #18. Declares = ANANGELLO (G312)
    JC ~ Messiah is coming, who is called Christ. Whenever THAT ONE arrives He will ANANGELEI all things to us openly (Jn.4:25)
    HS ~ when THAT ONE arrives, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, ...HE will ANANGELEI to you the things coming (Jn.16:13)
    HS ~ THAT ONE will ...ANANGELEI it to you (Jn.16:14)
    HS ~ HE receives from what is Mine & ANANGELEI [it] to you. (Jn.16:15)

    #19. Dispatches = APOSTELLO (G649)
    TF ~ Just as You APESTEILAS Me forth into the world (Jn.17:18)
    JC ~ I also APESTEILA them forth into the world (Jn.17:18)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT said: "...rise, go downstairs & be on your way with them ...because I have APESTALAKA them." (Ac.10:19,20)

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    #20. From Heaven = OURANOS (G3772)
    JC ~ I AM the Living Bread that comes down from OURANOU (Jn.6:51)
    HS ~ I viewed THE SPIRIT coming down as a dove out of OURANOU, & IT remained upon Him (Jn.1:32)

    #21. From Himself = APH HEAUTOU (G1438)
    JC ~ The Son cannot do a single thing APH HEAUTOU (Jn.5:19)
    HS ~ when THAT ONE arrives, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, ...He will not speak APH HEAUTOU (Jn.16:13)

    #22. Grants = DIDOMI (G1325)
    JC ~ He began to E-DIDOU them authority over THE SPIRITS THE UNCLEAN (Mk.6:7)
    HS ~ they ...started to speak with different tongues, just as THE SPIRIT was E-DIDOU them to make utterance (Ac.2:4)

    #23. Grants (Ability) = DIDOMI (G1325)
    JC ~ He E-DOKEN some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds & teachers (Eph.4:11)
    HS ~ THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SPIRIT is DIDOTAI to each one for a beneficial purpose.
    For example, to one is DIDOTAI THROUGH THE SPIRIT speech of wisdom, to another speech of knowledge ACCORDING TO THE SAME SPIRIT,
    to another faith BY THE SAME SPIRIT, to another gifts of healings BY THAT ONE SPIRIT,
    to yet another operations of powerful works, to another prophesyings, to another discerning of SPIRITS,
    to another different tongues, & to another interpretation of tongues.
    making a distribution to each one respectively JUST AS IT WILLS (1Cor.12:7-11)

    #24. Glorifies Another = DOXAZO (G1392)
    JC ~ the Christ did not E-DOXASEN Himself (Heb.5:5)
    TF ~ The God of Abraham... has E-DOXASEN ... JESUS (Ac.3:13)
    HS ~ when THAT ONE arrives, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH... THAT ONE will DOXASEI ME (Jn.16:14)

    #25. Grieves = LUPEO (G3076)
    JC ~ Jesus came with them to the spot called Gethsemane, &... He started to be LUPEISTHAI & to be sorely troubled (Mt.26:36,37)
    HS ~ NOT be you LUPEITE THE SPIRIT THE HOLY of The God (Eph.4:30)

    #26. Guides = HODEEGEO (G3594)
    JC ~ The LAMB... will shepherd them, & will HODEEGEESEI them to fountains of waters of life (Rev.7:17)
    HS ~ when THAT ONE arrives, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, He will HODEEGEESEI you into all the truth (Jn.16:13)

    #27. Hears = AKOUO (G191)
    TF ~ He AKOUEI us. Further, if we know He AKOUEI us (1Jn.5:14,15)
    JC ~ all the things I have E-KOUSA from My Father I have made known to you (Jn.15:15)
    HS ~ things HE AKOUEI HE will speak, & HE will declare to you the things coming (Jn.16:13)

    #28. Indicates = DEELOO (G1213)
    JC ~ the putting off of my tabernacle is soon to be, just as also our LORD JESUS Christ E-DEELOSEN to me (2Pet.1:14)
    HS ~ Thus THE SPIRIT THE HOLY DEELOUTOS that the way into the holy place had not yet been made manifest while the first tent was standing (Heb.9:8)
    HS ~ investigating what particular season... THE SPIRIT in them E-DEELOU ...when it was BEARING WITNESS BEFOREHAND about the sufferings of Christ (Pet.1:11)

    #29. Known = GINOSKO (G97)
    TF ~ Just as The Father GINOSKEI Me (Jn.10:15)
    JC ~ I GINOSKO The Father (Jn.10:15)
    HS ~ ANOTHER HELPER to be with you forever, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, which the world cannot receive, because it neither beholds Him nor GINOSKEI Him (Jn.14:16)
    HS ~ You GINOSKETE Him, because He remains with you & is in you (Jn.14:17)

  • 4examp

    #30. Leads = AGO (G71)
    JC ~ I have other sheep, which are not of this fold: those also I must AGAGEIN, & they will listen to MY voice (Jn.10:16)
    HS ~ Jesus was E-GETO about by THE SPIRIT in the wilderness (Lk.4:1)

    #31. Lied to = PSUDOMAI (G5574)
    TF ~ In order that, through 2 unchangeable things in which it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO PSEUSASTHAI (Heb.6:18)
    HS ~ Ananias, why has Satan embolden you to PSEUSASTHAI to THE SPIRIT THE HOLY? You have E-PSEUSO, not to men, but TO GOD (Ac.5:3,4)

    #32. Loves = AGAPEE (G26)
    TF ~ the AGAPEES of the God (Rom.8:39)
    JC ~ the AGAPEES of the Christ? (Rom.8:35)
    HS ~the AGAPEES of THE SPIRIT (Rom.15:30)

    #33. Performs = ENERGEO (G1754)
    TF ~ there are varieties of OPERATIONS, yet it is THE SAME GOD who ENERGOEE all the OPERATIONS (1Cor.12:6)
    HS ~ But all these OPERATIONS the One & THE SAME SPIRIT ENERGEI making a distribution to each one respectively just as IT WILLS (1Cor.12:11)

    #34. Permits = EAO (G1439)
    JC ~ DEMONS crying out: "You are the Son of God." But rebuking them, He would not EIA them to speak (Lk.4:41)
    TF ~ the living GOD.... In the past generations He EIASEN all the nations to go on in their ways (Ac.14:15,16)
    HS ~ they were forbidden by THE HOLY SPIRIT. Further, they made efforts to go into Bithynia, but THE SPIRIT of JESUS did not EIASEN them (Ac.16:6,7)

    #35. Pleads = ENTUNGANO (G1793) + HUPER ENTUNGANO (G5241)
    JC ~ CHRIST JESUS is the one... who ALSO ENTUNGANEI for us (Rom.8:34)
    JC ~ Jesus is always alive to ENTUNGANEIN for them (Heb.7:25)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT itself HUPER ENTUNGANEI for us with groanings unuttered (Rom.8:26)
    HS ~ Yet he who searches the hearts knows what the MIND of THE SPIRIT is, because it is ENTUNGANEI in accord with God for holy ones (Rom.8:27)

    #36. Received = LAMBANO (G2983)
    JC ~ However, as many as did LAMBANEI Him [JESUS], to them HE [JESUS] gave authority to become God's children (Jn.1:12)
    HS ~ ANOTHER Helper to be with you forever, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, which the world cannot LAMBANO,
    because it neither beholds Him nor knows Him. You know Him (Jn.14:15-17)
    HS ~ you E-LABETE a SPIRIT of ADOPTION (Rom.8:15)
    HS ~ Now we E-LABOMEN, not the spirit of the world, but THE SPIRIT THE (One) from God (1Cor.2:12)

    #37. Receives = LAMBANO (G2983)
    JC ~ we acquainted you with the power & presence of our LORD JESUS Christ... For He LAMBON from God the Father honor & glory (2Pet.1:16,17)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH... will glorify Me, because HE will LEEMPSETAI from what is Mine & will declare it to you (Jn.16:13,14)
    HS ~ All the things that the Father has are Mine. That is why I said HE LAMBANEI from what is Mine & declares [it] to you (Jn.16:15)

    #38. Remains = MENO (G3306) the Son MENEI forever (Jn.8:35)
    JC ~ We heard from the Law that the Christ MENEI forever (Jn.12:34)
    HS ~ ANOTHER Helper to be with you forever, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, which the world cannot receive,
    because it neither beholds Him nor knows Him. You know Him, because He MENEI with you & is in you. (Jn.14:16,17)

    #39. Reminds
    JC ~ Bear in MIND the word I said to you (Jn.15:20)
    JC ~ I have spoken these things to you that... you may REMEMBER I told them to you (Jn.16:4)
    HS ~ The Helper, THE SPIRIT THE HOLY..., THAT ONE will teach you all things & bring back to your MINDS all the things I told you (Jn.14:26)

  • 4examp

    #40. Reproves = ELENKO (G1651)
    JC ~ All those I love I ELENKO & discipline (Rev.3:19)
    TF ~ My son, do not belittle [the] discipline from Jehovah, neither give out when you are ELENKOUMENOS by Him; for whom Jehovah loves He disciplines (Heb.12:5,6)
    HS ~ I will send HIM to you. And when THAT ONE arrives He will ELENKEI the world concerning sin... righteousness... judgment (Jn.16:7,8)

    #41. Resisted
    JC ~ You are searching the Scriptures, & these are the very ones that bear witness about ME. And yet you do not want to come to ME that you may have life (Jn.5:39,40)
    HS ~ Obstinate men & uncircumcised in hearts & ears, you are always ANTI-PIPTETE THE SPIRIT THE HOLY (Ac.7:51)

    #42. Reveals = APOKALUPTO (G601)
    JC ~ no one fully knows The Son but The Father, neither does anyone fully know The Father but The Son & anyone to whom The SON is willing to APOKALUPSAI Him (Mt.11:27)
    HS ~ For it is to us God has APEKALUPSEN them through THE SPIRIT, for THE SPIRIT searches into all things, even the deep things of God (1Cor.2:10)

    #43. Revelation = APOKALUPSIS (G602)
    JC ~ for neither did I receive it from man, nor was I taught [it], except through APOKALUPSEOS by Jesus Christ (Gal.1:12)
    HS ~ the Father of glory, may give you SPIRIT of wisdom & APOKALUPSEOS (Eph.1:17)

    #44. Searches = EREUNAO (G2045)
    JC ~ I AM HE who ERAUNON the inmost thoughts & hearts (Rev.2:23)
    HS ~ Yet He who ERAUNON the hearts knows what the MIND of THE SPIRIT is, because it is PLEADING in accord with God for holy ones (Rom.8:27)
    HS ~ For it is to us God has revealed them through THE SPIRIT, for THE SPIRIT ERAUNA into all things, even the deep things of God (1Cor.2:10)

    #45. Sends = PEMPSO (G2842) + EKPEMPO (G1599)
    JC ~ When The Helper arrives that I will PEMPSO you from the Father, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, THAT ONE will bear witness about Me (Jn.15:26,27)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT THE HOLY said: "Of all persons set Barnabas & Saul apart for ME for the work to which I have called them."
    Then they fasted & prayed & laid their hands upon them & let them go.
    Accordingly these men EKPEMPSTHENTES BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, went down to Seleucia (Ac.13:2-4)

    #46. Shares = KOINONIA (G2842)
    TF ~ you to may be having a KOINONIAN with us. Furthermore, this KOINONIA of ours is with The Father (1Jn.1:3)
    JC ~ & with His Son Jesus Christ (1Jn.1:3)
    JC ~ God is faithful, by whom you were called into a KOINONIAN with His Son Jesus Christ our LORD (1Cor.1:9)
    HS ~ The undeserved KINDNESS of the LORD JESUS CHRIST & the LOVE of GOD & the KOINONIA of THE HOLY SPIRIT be with all of you (2Cor.13:14)

    #47. Signifies = SEEMAINO (G4591)
    JC ~ that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled which He said to SEEMAINON what sort of death He was destined to die (Jn.18:32)
    HS ~ One of them named Agabus rose & proceeded to E-SEEMAINEN through THE SPIRIT that a great famine was about to come (Ac.11:28)

    #48. Snatches = HARPAZO (G726)
    JC ~ Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be HARPANGSOMETHA in clouds to meet The LORD in the air (1Thes.4:17)
    HS ~ When they had come up out of the water, Jehovah's SPIRIT HEERPASEN Philip away (Ac.8:39)
    [It doesn't say: "Jehovah SNATCHED Philip away"!]

    #49. Speaks = LALEO (G2980), Aptly/Well/Good = KALOS (G2573)
    JC ~ The scribe EIPEN to Him: "Teacher, you KALOS EIPEN in line with truth (Mk.12:32)
    JC ~ some of the scribes EIPAN : "Teacher, you EIPAS KALOS (Lk.20:39)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT THE HOLY KALOS E-LALEESEN through Isaiah, SAYING, "Go to this people & SAY: 'By hearing you will hear but not understand; &, looking, you will look but not see.' " (Ac.28:25,26)

  • 4examp

    #50. Speaks directly
    JC ~ APEKRITHEE (ANSWERED) Jesus & EIPEN (SAID) to him: "Amen, amen I am LEGO (SAYING) to you, unless anyone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (Jn.3:3)
    JC ~ Do not marvel because I EIPEN (SAID / TOLD) you, you people must be born again (Jn.3:7)
    JC ~ APEKRITHEE (ANSWERED) Jesus & EIPEN (SAID) to him: "Are you a teacher of Israel & yet do not know these things?" (Jn.3:10)
    JC ~ Amen, amen I am LEGO (SAYING) to you, What we know we LALOUMEN (SPEAK) & what we have seen we bear witness of, but you people do not receive the witness we give. (Jn.3:11)
    JC ~ Jesus EIPEN (SAID) to them: "I AM the Bread of Life. He that comes to ME will not get hungry at all, & he that exercises faith in ME will never get thirsty (Jn.6:35)

    HS ~ THE SPIRIT EIPEN (SAID): "Look! Three men are seeking you.
    However, RISE, GO downstairs & be on your way with them, NOT DOUBTING AT ALL, because I have sent them." Acts 10:19,20)

    'RISE, Peter....' The 2nd time the PHONEE (VOICE) from HEAVEN APEKRITHEE (ANSWERED),
    'You stop calling defiled the things God has cleansed,' This occurred for a 3rd time....
    Also, look! at that instant there were 3 men standing at the house....
    So THE SPIRIT EIPEN (SAID / TOLD) me to GO with them, NOT DOUBTING AT ALL (Ac.11:7-12)

    HS ~ THE SPIRIT THE HOLY EIPEN (SAID): "Of all persons set Barnabas & Saul apart for ME for the work to which I HAVE CALLED THEM."
    ... Accordingly these men SENT OUT BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, went down to Seleucia (Ac.13:2,4)

    #51. Teaches = DIDASKO (G1321)
    JC ~ Jesus set out on a tour of all the cities & villages, DIDAXEI in their synagogues (Mt.9:35)
    HS ~ for THE HOLY SPIRIT will DIDAXEI you in that very hour the things you ought to say (Lk.12:11,12)
    HS ~ But The Helper, THE SPIRIT THE HOLY, ... THAT ONE will DIDAXEI you all things & bring back to your minds all the things I told you (Jn.14:26)

    #52. Tested = PEIRAZO (G3985)
    JC ~ Jesus was led by THE SPIRIT ... to be PEIRASTHEENAI by the Devil (Mt.4:1)
    HS ~ Why was it agreed upon between you [two] to PEIRASAI THE SPIRIT of the Lord? (Ac.5:9)

    #53. Thinks/Seems = DOKEO (G1380)
    JC ~ Tell us, therefore, What do YOU DOKEI?... But JESUS, knowing their wickedness, said... (Mt.22:17,18)
    HS ~ "The apostles & the older brothers to those brothers in Antioch... Greetings! ...we have... E-DOXEN choosing... Barnabas & Paul....
    IT E-DOXEN (GOOD to) THE SPIRIT THE HOLY & we ourselves..." (Ac.15:23,25,26,28)

    #54. Thrusts Out = EKBALLO (G1544)
    JC ~ But the Pharisees began to say: "It is by the ruler of the demons that HE EKBALLEI the demons." (Mt.9:34)
    HS ~ immediately THE SPIRIT EKBALLEI Him to go into the wilderness (Mk.1:12)

    #55. Wills = BOULOMAI (G1014)
    TF ~ He does not BOULOUMENOS any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance (2Pet.3:9)
    JC ~ no one fully knows The Son but The Father, neither does anyone fully know The Father but The Son & anyone to whom The SON is BOULEETAI to reveal Him (Mt.11:27)
    HS ~ The MANIFESTATION of THE SPIRIT is given to each one...
    wisdom... knowledge... faith... healings... powerful works... prophesyings... discerning of spirits... tongues... interpretation of tongues.
    BUT ALL THESE OPERATIONS THE ONE & THE SAME SPIRIT PERFORMS making a distribution to each one respectively
    JUST AS IT BOULETAI (1Cor.12:7-11)

    #56. Witnesses = MARTUS (G3144)
    TF ~ God is MARTUS (1Thes.2:5)
    JC ~ Jesus Christ, "The Faithful MARTUS" (Rev.1:5)
    HS ~ WE ARE MARTURES of these matters, & SO IS THE SPIRIT THE HOLY (Ac.5:32)

    #57. Witnesses thoroughly = DIAMARTUROMAI (G1263)
    TF ~ But A CERTAIN WITNESS - He bore thorough witness - DIEMARTURATO (Heb.2:6)
    HS ~ except that from city to city THE SPIRIT THE HOLY DIAMARTURETAI to me AS IT SAYS SAYING that bonds & tribulations are waiting for me (Ac.20:23)

    #58. bears Witness = MARTUREO (G3140)
    TF ~ & The Father who sent Me MARTUREI about Me (Jn.8:18)
    JC ~The world... hates Me, because I MARTURO concerning it that its works are wicked (Jn.7:7)
    JC ~ I AM One that MARTURON about Myself (Jn.8:18)
    JC ~ He that MARTURON of these things says, "Yes; I AM coming quickly." (Rev.22:18,20)
    HS ~ When The Helper arrives..., THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH, ...THAT ONE will MARTUREESEI about Me; & you, in turn, are to MARTUREITE (Jn.15:26,27)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT THE HOLY ALSO MARTUREITE to us, for after IT HAS SAID: "This is the covenant that I shall covenant...." IT SAYS afterwards: "And I shall...." (Heb.10:15-17)
    HS ~ investigating what particular season... THE SPIRIT in them was indicating concerning Christ when it was MARTUREITE beforehand about the sufferings for Christ (1Pet.1:11)

    #59. bears Witness with = SUMMARTUREO (G4828) + SUNEPIMARTUREO (G4901)
    TF ~ while God joined in bearing witness - SUNEPIMARTUROUNTOS (Heb.2:4)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT ITSELF SUNMARTUREI our spirit that we are God's children (Rom.8:16)

    JC ~ Jesus performed many other signs... which are NOT written down in this scroll.
    But these things have been written down that you may believe that JESUS is the Christ the Son of God,
    & that, because of believing, YOU MAY HAVE LIFE in HIS NAME. Jn.20:30,31 (+ Jn.21:25)

    HS ~ when THAT ONE arrives, THE SPIRIT of THE TRUTH,
    He WILL GUIDE you into all the truth, for He will not speak of His own initiative,
    but what things HE hears HE WILL SPEAK, & HE WILL DECLARE to you the THINGS COMING (Jn.16:13)

  • 4examp

    Still not convinced???
    Scripture provides many other comparisons that show THE HOLY SPIRIT is a functioning Person. For example:

    #61. Divinely Warns / Reveals = KREEMATIZO (G5537 )
    ~ [astrologers] were given KREEMATISTHENTES in a dream... [& Joseph] being given KREEMATISTHEIS in a dream (Mt.2:12,22)
    HS ~ it had been KEXREEMATISMENON to him (Simeon) BY THE SPIRIT THE HOLY that he would not see death before he had seen the Christ of Jehovah (Lk.2:26 )

    #62. Forbids = KOLUO (G2967)
    JC ~ Jesus was indignant & said to them: "Let the young children come to Me; do not [you] try to KOLUETE them (Mk.10:14) (See Mt.16:20,23)
    HS ~ they went through Phrgia & the country of Galatia, because they were KOLUTHENTES BY THE HOLY SPIRIT to speak the word in... Asia (Ac.16:6)

    #63. Joins in with Help = SUNANTILAMBANOMAI (G4878)
    ~ Tell her, therefore, to SUNANTILABETAI me (Lk.10:40)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT also SUNANTILAMBANETAI for our weakness (Rom.8:26)

    #64. Leads = AGO (G71)
    ~ Now he [the Devil] E-GAGEN Him into Jerusalem... & said... (Lk.4:9)
    ~ Now Jesus, full of holy spirit, turned away from Jordan, & He was E-GETO about by THE SPIRIT in the wilderness (Lk.4:1)

    #65. Leads = ANAGO (G321)
    ~ So he ANAGAGON Him up & showed Him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth...; & the Devil said to Him... (Lk.4:5,6)
    HS ~ Then Jesus was ANEEKTHE by THE SPIRIT up into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil (Mt.4:1)

    #66. Longing = EPIPOTHEO (G1971)
    ~ God is my witness of how I am EPIPOTHO for all of you (Phil.1:8)
    HS ~ THE SPIRIT which has taken up residence within us keeps EPIPOTHEI (Ja.4:5)

    #67. OUTRAGED = ENUBRIZO (G1796)
    {{There's no comparative example for this powerful warning. Don't let YOUR beliefs put you in this position.}}
    HS ~ Of how much more severe a punishment, do you think, will the man be counted worthy who has trampled upon the Son of God..., & who has
    - OUTRAGED THE SPIRIT of undeserved kindness with contempt? (Heb.10:29 NWT)
    - THE SPIRIT of THE Undeserved KINDNESS having contemptuously ENUBRISAS? (Heb.10:29 KI)

    #68. Performs = ENERGEO (G1754)
    ~ the Ruler of the authority of the air, THE [evil] SPIRIT that now ENERGOUEETOS in the sons of disobedience (Eph.2:2)
    HS ~ But all these OPERATIONS the One & THE SAME SPIRIT ENERGEI making a distribution to each one respectively just as IT WILLS (1Cor.12:11)

    #69. Reminds = HUPOMIMNEESKO (G5279)
    ~ I desire to HUPOMENEESAI you despite your knowing all things (Jude 1:5)
    HS ~ The Helper, THE SPIRIT THE HOLY..., THAT ONE will teach you all things & HUPOMENEESAI you all the things I told you (Jn.14:26)

    #70. Sends = EKPEMPO (G1599)
    ~ Immediately by night the brothers EXEPEMPSAN both Paul & Silas out to Beroea (Ac.17:10)
    HS ~ Accordingly these men EKPEMPSTHENTES by THE HOLY SPIRIT, went down to Seleucia (Ac.13:4)

  • 4examp

    Ponder this profound, powerful, WT admission [Insight p.1019, & Aid p.1543]:

    "It is true that Jesus spoke of the holy spirit as a 'helper' & spoke of such helper as
    'teaching,' 'bearing witness,' 'giving evidence,' 'guiding,' 'speaking,' 'hearing,' & 'receiving.'
    In so doing, the original Greek shows Jesus at times applying the personal pronoun 'he' to that 'helper' (paraclete).
    (Compare John 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16:7-15.)"

    But then the WT leaves the solid ground of Scripture, slides down the slippery slope of speculation, & with blatant bias goes on to say:
    "However, it is not unusual in the Scriptures for something to be personalized or personified that is not actually a person."

    These powerful, clear, direct, emphatic Scripture-Comparisons cannot
    be justifiably brushed away by the very weak "personification" human opinion!

    = The Pneuma (G4151)
    = THE SPIRIT (KI !!! ~ yes)
    RETOS (G4490 = says DISTINCTLY)
    that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith,
    paying attention to MISLEADING SPIRITS & teachings of demons,
    by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies (1Tim.4:1)

    Let the one who has an ear HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING to the congregations ( Rev.2:7 )
    Let the one who has an ear HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING to the congregations (Rev.2:11)
    Let the one who has an ear HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING to the congregations (Rev.2:17)
    Let the one who has an ear HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING to the congregations (Rev.2:29)
    Let the one who has an ear HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING to the congregations (Rev.3:6)
    Let the one who has an ear HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING to the congregations (Rev.3:13)
    Let the one who has an ear HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING to the congregations (Rev.3:22)

    Now there are VARIETIES of gifts, but there is THE SAME SPIRIT;
    & there are VARIETIES of ministries, & yet there is THE SAME LORD;
    & there are VARIETIES of operations, & yet it is THE SAME GOD (1Cor.12:4-6)

    The undeserved KINDNESS of the LORD JESUS CHRIST
    & the LOVE of GOD
    & the SHARING of THE HOLY SPIRIT be with all of you (2Cor.13:14)


  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    get a life man

  • 4examp

    Hi Bait-ah,

    (Sorry for the forced 24-hour delay, I was maxed out.)

    I did -- twice !!! (see John chapter 3)

    Once Born -- Die Twice ~ (Rev.21:8)
    Twice Born -- Die Once ~ (Jn.8:51,52; 10:28; 11:26)

    I know 4sure I will be in heaven -- because Jesus lives.
    He is the Bread of Life -- if He wasn't, all of us would be toast!

    Both my lives are fantastic !
    - my wife is my best friend
    - we are very close to our 3 daughters & sons-in-law
    - our 4 & 7/8 grandkids are just like our very own kids (6, 4, 3, 2 & still due)
    - 4example: 3yr old says: "Here's a gift for your pocket" (i.e. hug, kiss, love).
    - I still play hockey (in Ontario)
    - I'm enjoying roller-blading (in Germany)
    - I'm enjoying the German people & sharing my faith -- often
    - German chocolate "everyday"
    - my wife & I finished up renovating a rental unit (rerouting plumbing , shut-off valves, custom laundry sink, tub-surround, wiring, light fixtures, porcelain & ceramic-tile floors / baseboards / back-splash, kitchen counters, bay window, extensive gyprocing, bump-free painting throughout, custom trim, etc, etc.)

    And then I get special counsel from special folk like you.
    Many thanks :-)

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