Convention Themes

by jws 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    After hearing about the "Keep on the Watch!" convention, I could have sworn they used that one before. So I searched around the internet. I guess I was wrong, it's just a common slogan that I'm sure they've used often enough, just not as a convention theme.

    But, for anybody who's interested, here's the list I've compiled:

    1942 - New World
    1943 - Call to Action / Free Nation's
    1944 - United Announcers
    1946 - Glad Nations
    1947 - All Nations Expansion
    1950 - Theocracy's Increase
    1951 - Clean Worship
    1952 - Press On to Maturity
    1953 - New World Society
    1955 - Triumphant Kingdom
    1957 - Life-Giving Wisdom
    1958 - Divine Will
    1959 - Awake Ministers
    1960 - Peace-Pursuing
    1961 - United Worshipers
    1962 - Courageous Ministers
    1963 - Everlasting Good News
    1964 - Fruitage of the Spirit
    1965 - Word of Truth
    1966 - God's Sons of Liberty
    1967 - Disciple-Making
    1968 - Good News for All Nations
    1969 - Peace on Earth
    1970 - Men of Goodwill
    1971 - Divine Name
    1972 - Divine Rulership
    1973 - Divine Victory
    1974 - Divine Purpose
    1975 - Divine Sovereignty
    1976 - Sacred Service
    1977 - Joyful Workers
    1978 - Victorious Faith
    1979 - Living Hope
    1980 - Divine Love
    1981 - Kingdom Loyalty
    1982 - Kingdom Truth
    1983 - Kingdom Unity
    1984 - Kingdom Increase
    1985 - Integrity Keepers
    1986 - Divine Peace
    1987 - Trust in Jehovah
    1988 - Divine Justice
    1989 - Godly Devotion
    1990 - Pure Language
    1991 - Lovers of Freedom
    1992 - Light Bearers
    1993 - Divine Teaching
    1994 - Godly Fear
    1995 - Joyful Praisers
    1996 - Messengers of Godly Peace
    1997 - Faith in God's Word
    1998 - God's Way of Life
    1999 - God's Prophetic Word
    2000 - Doers of God's Word
    2001 - Teachers of God's Word
    2002 - Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers
    2003 - Give God Glory
    2004 - Walk With God
    2005 - Godly Obedience
    2006 - Deliverance at Hand!
    2007 - Follow the Christ!
    2008 - Guided by God’s Spirit
    2009 - Keep on the Watch!

    To me, they're like business slogans. More-or-less meaningless slogans that are supposed to pep you up and get you excited.

    It's interesting to see the lack of creativity in some spots. Look at '71 - '75: Divine Name, Divine Rulership, Divine Victory, Divine Purpose, and Divine Sovereignty. And again with "Divine" in '58, '88, and '93. And the Kingdom ... in '81 - '84.

    It's also interesting to see some themes like "Kingdom Loyalty" about the time Ray Franz left.

    Or 71-75 was a whole "Divine" theme. Almost as if they were leading up to something in 1975...

    It would almost seem that with this year's "Keep on the Watch", they may be trying to regenerate some of the urgency that's been lost by the changes in generational teachings.

  • superman

    I've got a good one they should use..

    2010-Divine load of crap

    What do you think!?

  • BonaFide

    Thanks for putting those up JWS. You know I have an old notebook that I kept for years up to date with Convention themes and GB members, stuff like that. I left half of a page for the convention themes, because I figured that Armageddon would be here before 2000.

    Ha ha.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That might be a little too honest, superman.

    How about something like "Divine More of the Same" District Convention? Or "The Best Divinist Convention Yet" District Convention?

  • slimboyfat

    Jehovah gets the odd mention, but not Jesus until 2007.

    1984 - Kingdom Increase

    I think they were incredibly relieved to see an increase again after the 1975 failure and belated apology.

    1995 - Joyful Praisers

    No hint from the title that the "generation" rug was about to pulled out from under them.

    1986 - Divine Peace

    Was this the year the UN had a day of peace and security and some Witnesses went crazy thinking it was then end right then?

    1991 - Lovers of Freedom

    A reference to the lifting of the ban in the old Soviet block no doubt.

  • Spook

    2010: "Slavishly Slaving for the Slave...but good!"

  • Megachusen

    These names are so easy to come up with.

    2010: God's Things to God

    2011: Glory to God's Righteous Rule

    2012: Sanctify His Holy Name

    2013: God's Glorious Creation

    2014: Hold Fast to The Truth

  • WTWizard

    How about "Wasting Your Life".

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