Italy Earthquake

by elder-schmelder 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • elder-schmelder

    Has anyone heard the rumor of JW's being told to sleep in their cars before the earthquake happend?


  • Earnest
  • Skip it
    Skip it

    I just heard about this yesterday. I didn't take it real serious because I know that most things that JW's say are basically stories. It reminded me of the Jepordy - NWT is the most accurate question. Just be happy that your not Catholic, they didn't get the warning.

  • Dagney

    I got this from a few JW's who are pretty careful about what they send me. I so wanted to answer them with an accounting of what the Catholic church provided for the disaster relief.

    Has anybody checked on that, or can advise me how to do so?


  • runningonfaith

    I'm italian born and raised,i read the news from back home all the time, it's true,they were given advise taken from an old awake.

    It must be the truth!

  • Brocephus

    I heard the Smurfs and a few Treasure Trolls were the cause of the earthquake. Something about an underground laberynth they are building to store all the apostate literature they print.

  • jamiebowers
    heard the Smurfs and a few Treasure Trolls were the cause of the earthquake. Something about an underground laberynth they are building to store all the apostate literature they print.

    Brocephus, you're a funny guy!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Has anyone heard the rumor of JW's being told to sleep in their cars before the earthquake happend?

    The rumor probably stems from an earthquake prediction for another town, 30 kilometres away, where the guy predicting an earthquake advised people to sleep in their cars after officials ignored his advice to evacuate.

    He wasn't an Annointed JW. He wasn't even a JW. His prediction was not from God, but from what he felt was scientific evidence, radon gas levels.

    If officials had listened to his advice to evacuate the town, many of the evacuees would have been in L'Aquila resulting in a higher death toll.

  • runningonfaith

    That's another story

  • runningonfaith

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