American idol fans here?

by YoursChelbie 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • cognac

    I wish Adam had won... He was awesome!!! I loved his version of Mad World.

  • sammielee24

    Did you hear the latest???

    The word was out BEFORE Kris Allen won, that since Danny Gorkey was the favored son of the Christian right, that they would swing their voting to Allen so that Lambert, the (presumed) gay guy couldn't win.

    Now, it seems that AT&T gave some free phones and a demonstration to a whack of Arkansas folks on how to use block texting but didn't do the same for Lambert. Block texting apparently whallops a bigger punch than single texting does...and so not only conflict of interest, but neither Fox nor AT&T will coment. Poor Allen is doomed to carry a stigma with him now since everyone has doubts as to whether this was a religious vote or an entertainment win.

    Allen definitely was the weaker of the two as far as vocals - it will be interesting to see where it leads if anywhere...sammieswife.

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