memorial day and cemetary witnessing

by chickpea 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chickpea

    i cannot believe i will admit this!

    i have spent past memorial days
    in the cemetary, skulking around
    waiting to encounter people out
    and about their very personal
    business of visiting the graves
    of their deceased loved ones!!!

    creepy in the extreme??
    oh, i think so now, but
    back in the days not nearly
    long enough past, my best friend
    in the congro was a pioneer and
    i supported her regularly in service....

    after a CO visit, she/we decided
    to try the above mentioned activity....

    "i don't mean to intrude on your visit"
    ( oh yes i did so mean to intrude)

    "did you know that god never intended
    for humans to ever have to taste death?"
    (yeah, he got pissed and decided
    "kill 'em all! let god sort them out"
    seemed to be a pretty secure employment scheme)

    "can you imagine a time when all dead
    loved ones will live here on the earth in
    a paradise, without want or need or fear?"
    ( you cant?.... here, have a sip of this kool-aid)

    "this tract/brochure/magazine offers a scriptural
    basis for the hope we are sharing with you"
    (please take it so i can count the placement)

    at this point in time, i have the courage
    to face the humiliation for having been
    such a dunderhead and would apologize
    to anyone i disturbed during my witless years.....

    anyone else lurk in the graveyards
    to witness to survivors??

  • VM44
    can you imagine a time when all dead
    loved ones will live here on the earth in
    a paradise, without want or need or fear?"

    How can the JWs even say that to anyone grieving?

    That is NOT the explanation that The Watchower gives for resurrection.

    According to The Watchtower a new body is created and then impressed with the memories (or "Life Pattern", a term created by The Watchtower)

    What is accomplished is that a REPLICA(!) of the deceased person is created.

    A replica with the memories and personality of the original, but still a replica.

    The ORIGINAL peson is STILL DEAD!

    This isn't a hope at all!

    It is an insult of the highest order for the JWs to do any cemetary witnessing, telling the relatives about this "pseudo-resurrection" doctrine.

    JWs....Just Go AWAY!

  • ziddina

    Nooo, I never did that - and please understand, I'm not faulting you at all for that behavior, I know where you were coming from and who (WTBTS) told you to do it...

    But that's - um, well, If I were in a graveyard, I'd view that as an awful intrusion upon my grief... Sorry... Zid

  • poppers

    Wow - you certainly were an uber-witness. Pretty tacky in hindsight, huh. I had some stranger try to "comfort" me in the hospital like that 5 minutes after I found out my father died. I could have strangled him.

  • VM44

    Concerning The Watchtower's idea of resurrection.

    Suppose you had an expensive Ming vase, and that one day it fell off the table and broke into a million pieces.

    Now suppose you had a recording of that vase and were able to recreate an exact copy of it, accurate down to the atomic level.

    It looks just like the original.

    But, legally, could you present it to others, or attempt to sell it, claiming that it WAS the original?

  • carla

    Shameful, just shameful! jw's are no different than the so called Baptist cult (not really Baptist, family cult more like) who go to burials of fallen military to get publicity for their own particular cult. (the law has since changed because of them and they must stay a certain distance away from the actual burial service) Disgraceful and disgusting. I'm surprised we don't hear stories of jw's who get punched out more often. Some day they will come upon a soldier who is remembering his/her fallen friends who endured much in POW camps or in battle and they will lose it on a jw and the jw's will be happy to cry 'persecution' but the public will see the jw's for what they are and their total disregard and respect for those who mourn.

  • mraimondi

    VM44 - you dont get it. stop trying. lol

  • mindmelda

    Attack of the Clones!

    Whenever I watch this movie I think of the promised resurrection to earth and the described army of resurrected described in Ezekial. LOL

    Rather a testimony to the tolerance of most that they don't bodily throw Witnesses out of the graveyards for disturbing them while they are having their memorial observances.

    In a word...tacky.

  • chickpea

    hey mates,
    i am admitting straight out
    that it was creepy, disgraceful
    and tasteless beyond belief....
    now that i am disconnected
    from the hive.... but it was
    highly encouraged and
    applauded by the b0rg

    i am all better now and
    highly penitent....
    this is my confession!!

    mea culpa, mea culpa
    mea maxima culpa!!!

    for my penance i am going
    to a normal memorial day function
    at, i swear to god, memorial park.....

  • Gregor

    Even as an elder I avoided the cemetary raids on Memorial day. Never felt right about it.

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