my husband lost his father

by tiffy0212 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tiffy0212

    My husband lost his father last Saturday. The funeral was Tuesday in a Catholic church and he would not go to the service. He stayed outside while his children were inside. I only went for the viewing of the body and then left because I knew he wouldn't go in. When his mom died he walked out of the church and left me by myself. I felt like a fool everyone saw him leave. What a shame, he doesn't even have any respect for his father. Those JW's are some heartless sick people.

  • mrsjones5

    yes, mislead to be revoltingly heartless

  • twinkletoes


    I'm very sorry for your loss. Your husband is certainly another brain-washed individual. I lost my dad (he was a catholic) last year and my brother (a JW) came to the crematorium for the service. We arranged for a catholic priest to do the "sermon", which he did very well. It was comforting for my Mum (also Catholic) BUT - then my brother got up and gave "an elder's talk" and completely contradicted everything that the priest had said!!!! No doubt he counted the time! They just don't care about the effect their actions have on others, do they.


  • caliber

    It is so sad but try to remember the twisted complicated mess he is in due to supposed

    greater loyalties . But feel for you also in your loss and in your frustration & hurt !


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