PHOTOS President receives chilly reception at the Naval Academy

by SixofNine 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Regan got a "High Five".......sooooo 1980's man!........Nobody "high fives" anymore thats so Borat!

  • BurnTheShips

    Little chest dap. And Bush was classy enough not to criticize the former commander in chief in his graduation speech.

    Air Force Academy Graduation, 2008.

    Here is a Democratic Underground thread on the Bush Air Force graduation just last year.

    Plenty of hate vented at the graduates. But now that Obama is CiC, military people are all-right with Libs! It didn't take long for them to stop the hating!

    Gotta love these comments:

    All I can say is thank goodness the adults are back in charge. Does that man ever, just once is all I'm asking for here, stop to consider how stupid he comes across when he pulls stunts like these? I mean, a joke with a cadet, ok; posing for a photo, fine; even saying hi on the cell phone, acceptable; but bumping chests, blowing kisses? And fundys say we are not descended from a common ancestor with the great apes - oy. ---------------------------------------------------------- I don't know who's worse - * or the cadets ------------------------------------------------------ Are you sure these aren't outtakes from Idiocracy II ? Seriously, WTF?

    Apparently, some didn't like the "clowning" of the former president (apparently now "clowning" with cadets is acceptable to libtards):

    If it's good for troop morale to have the president clown with them, then I guess it's okay.


    Liberal hypocrisy, I love it!


  • carla

    I know of a military unit where the One was going and not one of an entire unit wanted to go and see the One! Higher ups made some from the unit go and represent the unit. That unit was not alone on this particular military base. Just because military are in HIS presence doesn't mean it was out of choice. They must respect the office doesn't mean they all respect the man or approve of him.

  • BurnTheShips

    Either way, bless all those young cadets, and may they all have great success.


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