BTS: Shalom Aleichem

by Robdar 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Robdar

    My mikvah was Monday. I am now officially Jewish and my heart is overflowing.

    I have thought of you and your new path with Catholicism many times this week. I know that my joy in the creator is your joy also. Shalom Aleichem.

    Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.


    Ariele (Robyn)

  • ninja

    I would become jewish but for one thing....I'm that much of a dick they'd have to circumcise my forehead

  • Robdar


    I would become jewish but for one thing....I'm that much of a dick they'd have to circumcise my forehead

    ROFLMAO!!! I about pee'd my pants from laffing so hard!

  • Robdar
  • BurnTheShips

    Congratulations!!! La'chaim!!! I am very very happy for you. I hope you are at peace. I know your joy because I have it also.

    Baruch atta adonai eloihenu, melech ha'olam, that leads his children out of the lie, and into the light.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you.
    May He cause His face to shine upon you.
    May He lift up His countenance and grant you peace.


  • BurnTheShips
    I have thought of you and your new path with Catholicism many times this week. I know that my joy in the creator is your joy also. Shalom Aleichem.

    You are my sister. My soul sister. I thought of you too when I received baptism. Mikvah, baptism. We are the same. Bless you.


  • Scully

    Mazel tov, Robdar!

    In celebration... I offer this small token:

  • AllTimeJeff

    Happiness and blessings to both Robdar and BTS!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Robyn for sharing such with us.

    May I ask your attraction to the Jewish faith?

    Peace to you.


  • Robdar

    BTS, I AM at peace. I have a peaceful joy that verges on ecstasy. It is so hard to put into words, but I know that you know what I am feeling. Yes, you are my brother, and I thank God that I have gotten to know you these many months.

    The more I study Judaism, the more I see it's similarities to Catholicism. I have also seen much disdain on this board towards Catholics and Jews. If these posters only knew the richness of both religions.......

    Ye'varech'echa Adonoy ve'yish'merecha.
    Ya'ir Adonoy panav eilecha viy-chuneka.
    Yisa Adonoy panav eilecha, ve'yasim lecha shalom.


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