Excuse me, but this is sickening (DA Contributions)

by winstonchurchill 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • winstonchurchill

    A letter from the WTS was just read to our congregation: During upcoming District Assemblies, there will be Credit Card terminal available so people can donate using their Credit/Debit Cards.

    Maybe it's old news, but I just found out last monday, and I find it terribly disturbing. The WTS/JW's is becoming more and more mainstream, not different at all form those churches that are only after your money... Oh, wait! Maybe tey are only after our money.

    Man, things must be really bad financially for WTS.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I've heard of this before (is it just USA?) - and sadly, nothing surprises me when it comes to the WTBTS's money grabbing ploys. THIS also seems 'grasping' as I assume it's aimed at 'Worldly' folks, as JWs donate at the Hall etc.


  • winstonchurchill

    Thanks, WidwichCuckoo.

    I'm speechless... I had never seen that website. Very upseting!

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I can confirm that the WTBTS has indeed used credit card terminals at district conventions in Europe. In 2006 when I was a "special delgate™" to the Hamburg, Germany convention that there were credit card terminals. They had brothers and sisters manning them at vendor carts throughout the stadium just as they would man contribution boxes...I guess the exception was that they were there to help answer questions about running the card...they are just like the ones when you go to the grocery or restaraunt.... I think they keyed in the amount..you swiped the card and pin number..and then I don't remember if you had to sign a receipt or what..

    ...they didn't get my number...

    so just add it to the list of ways (EFT transactions that you can AutoDebit every month your donation directly to the Society.) that they are grabbing money... (come on WTWizard...I know you got something here. .I am handing it to you on a platter... Bank of Watchtower, Russell State Bank and Mistrust, Pennsylvania Slavings and Loan......)

    The only reason you won't ever see credit card readers in the Kingdom Hall is because the monthly fee and per transaction fee is too high for the low volume that they would do locally. But don't think that they won't make it so you can donate by autodebit locally too...

    Snakes ()

  • insearchoftruth

    Pretty soon one will be able to get a Watchtower credit card where a percent of the usage goes to the WWW


    Unbelievable winstonchurchill – was the letter posted on the notice board and can you post more of its contents?

    Cash is king!

  • AlexHall

    I´ve seen this several times in Sweden too

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    But remember, they don't pass around a collection plate.

  • AllTimeJeff

    *smacking forehead* UGH!

    I know all religions and groups need money to survive. When you see the WTBTS and the GB for what they really are though, (its a business first and foremost folks) then you just shake your head. Or smack it.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The ironic thing for me is that I've heard several times speakers talking about how "Christendom is so greedy that they have even installed ATMs in their churchs". Now, they're doing the same thing on the DC level. I had no idea this was already happening in Europe. They must have used the European market as a test market before rolling it out in the US.

    Honestly, how long before they institute tithing?? You know somewhere that idea has been floated about.

    It's all about the Benjamins!

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