Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-17-09 WT Study (VIGILANT)

by blondie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait


    The most witnoid-centric being in para 9 "hearts of vigilant people willing to serve."

    those whose hearts are not in their crapola, who agree that "Christ did not return (even invisibly) in 1914" (Proclaimers - p136) who are therfore NOT vigilant, and are NOT willing to do the preaching of their message WILL DIE.


  • ziddina

    "Did you know that every statement in the Bible that touches on science is accurate?"


    Buut, seriously, folks - whew! That was a good one!!

    Waitferit, waitferit, here's another good one! "But had Satan called Jehovah's name into question? For that matter, had any of Satan's agents done so, as if Jehovah did not have a right to that name? No, not at all. It was not the name of Jehovah that was challenged and that needed to be vindicated."

    Aaaand what about that info brought out on another thread that "Jehovah" is a relatively recent version of the supposed pronunciation of the YHWH??? Not to mention that it ISN'T MENTIONED AT ALL in the Christian Greek scriptures... uuuugggh, these WTBTS BS people...

    "For nearly a century now, horrendous events taking place around the world testify that we are living in the last days." Funny, isn't it? For scientists' research and evidence of the actual age of the earth, the WTBTS denies such great ages, yet when it comes to Jesus' presence, 'his presence' is moving at a rate approaching that of slow-moving geologic phenomena...

    "Do you, our reader, see yourself in that “great crowd”? Oh, goody, I wanna be a cult member...

    HAmsterbait, good count on those death threats! I wasn't paying attention! Zid

  • bobld


    I appreciate how you use previous pubilcations of the WBTS such as the WT/A to remind the GB/FDS how

    inept,foolish,incompetent they really are.It shows their lack of research in their own publications or maybe

    the laziness on their part.

    Q4-They try very hard to justify their 1914 date.Not sure why they use Greenspan.Oh,well we will have to wait

    for some other person(Obama) to mention 1914 and they will be on it like flies on manure.

    Q7.Lets see today it's a hugh proportions.Tomorrow it's a very small crowd that's on the narrow road.

    Oh.yeah they use this both ways,just like they speak from both sides of their mouth.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Yes, Jesus is ruling in glorious kingdom power and only JW's have seen it. What a glorious reign since 1914...all that glory and power and could the nations fail to recognise it? What further proof is needed than being offered the Awake and Watchtower on a Saturday morning?! Yes, the stubborn, blind nations and their rebellious citizens all deserve to be slaughtered by the world saviour Jesus Christ for failing to acknowledge this miraculous evidence of his powerful invisible presence. Jesus loves you but he will very shortly kill you without hope of a resurrection if you refuse again to take an Awake and Watchtower and do not come to the next memorial! We know we didn't advertise the memorial in the newspaper but that's no excuse!

  • JustHuman14

    Lovely comments Blondie!!! I just wonder how long they will use the carrot of the "end". WT is not the one I knew back in the 90's. I left 4 years after the "definition"of the generation in 1995.

    At that time JW's had something to look for. It was the generation (those alive in 1914 and seen the sign)that it was supposed to see the end. They had a landmark, a unique date that eventually will lead them to the "end" and to the "New World". Preaching work was separeting sheeplike ones from goatlike ones. Now for a JW there is nothing to hold on to. No generation, no seperation, just a faded sound of an "end" that no JW will ever see

    JustHuman14 formely know justhuman

  • moomanchu

    We understand that some time after false religion has been destroyed, there will be an attack on Jehovah's servants, who have been proclaiming his judgment messages .

    some time after ?

    How will the political leaders differentiate false religion from the J dub religion ?

    At this time in history the only religion on the entire planet will be the J dubs.

    They will be the number one news story 24/7. LOL

  • wobble

    "The End is Nigh" say the GB,they should know they've got their heads stuck up it!



  • WTWizard

    This is the same crap I have heard through the 1980s and 1990s. The end is so close--it is almost word for word exactly what I have heard before. That is supposed to keep people vigilant?

    As for the "more than 7 mllion", I would like to call a foul. First, they can inflate the numbers to make them whatever they want, and will do that in order to create the illusion of growth. This will help people within think they are growing, and will (they hope) also make themselves look that much better for outsiders. But, when you have 7 million fake time slips, children being coerced into field circus, people being guilted into turning in a slip every month, and counting "errors" (always in their favor), you have a dishonest religion that is not really growing. I wonder if it will be them that gets destroyed by the government--righteously so, because of putting out inflated statistics in an attempt to defraud people into joining (along with other attempts at fraud by saying one thing to the public and another to the witlesses already inside).

  • BluesBrother

    As the events following 1914 began to unfold and the Bible Students compared these with what the Master had foretold, they gradually came to appreciate that they were living in the last days of the old system and that they had been since 1914. They also came to understand that it was in the year 1914 that Christ’s invisible presence had begun and that this was, not by his personally returning (even invisibly) to the vicinity of the earth, but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King. They saw and accepted the vital responsibility that was theirs to proclaim "this good news of the kingdom" for a witness to all nations during this critical time of human history.

    Proclaimers p 136

    I cannot see Hamstebait, that this sentence means anything other than the belief that Christ's return is spiritual and not physical... Anyway, reading around the Proclaimers Book I saw that para 4 of the study does indeed refer to the WT "Birth Of a Nation" in 1925. They altered the belief then , but had preached that He was present since even before 1914.

    Given the graphic content of this study I thought it interesting that CTR had a more liberal view and criticized those who said that you had to belong to one religion to be saved

    As they researched the Scriptures, a number of things became clearer to these sincere truth seekers. ................................ They further learned that the object of Jesus’ return was, not to destroy everyone, but to bless the obedient families of the earth. (Gal. 3:8) Russell wrote: “We felt greatly grieved at the error of Second Adventists,
    who were expecting Christ in the flesh, and teaching that the world and all in it except Second Adventists would be burned up.”

    Proclaimers chap 5 44/45

  • marcopolo

    w70 1/15 p. 52 par. 9 Peace with God amid the “Great Tribulation” ***On account of his “chosen ones” he cuts short the days. How? Back in the year 1925 the suggestion was set out in the leading article of the Watch Tower issue of May 1, entitled “For the Elect’s Sake,” that “those days” of the “great tribulation” were cut short in the middle. The explanation was given that the “great tribulation” had begun in 1914 C.E. and that it was not allowed to run its full course then but God stopped World War I in November of 1918. From then on God was allowing an interval for the activity of his anointed remnant of elect Christians before he let the final part of the “great tribulation” resume at the battle of Armageddon and come to its termination. This would allow for sheeplike persons to be saved.—Matt. 25:31-46.

    Not know who God have stop world war 1918........for a interval activity.... speacial activity for who,. how much log this ????

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